Some PHP katas for practice
- Bank account
- Bowling
- Coffee machine
- FizzBuzz
- FizzBuzz-extra
- GildedRose (Refactor)
- Mafia
- Minesweeper
- Minesweeper-extra
- Parrot (Refactor)
- Password validator
- Print date
- Roman numerals
- Single sign on
- Tennis (Refactor)
- TripService (Refactor)
- Trivial (Refactor)
- Yahtzee
- Fizz Buzz: Good kata to start doing TDD.
- Roman numerals: Easy kata to continue with TDD.
- Gilded Rose: Refactoring kata.
- Password validator: Easy kata to practice the importance of the test order.
- Print date: Kata to start practicing with mocks and stubs.
- Bank: Good kata to learn indirect input and output.
- TripService: Easy to start testing.
- Trivial: Too Legacy