- Moved sampszcalc function from inst/param to /inst
- Moved code out of bootbayes into separate function called credint
- Fixed bug caused by infinite values in input to bootcdf
Changes to bootlm: - Added predictor levels and contrasts to STATS output (for regression coefficients)
- The order of DIM input argument to bootlm determines the order of estimated marginal means and posthoc tests in the output
- Added support for parallel processing to enhance performance of for some of the bootstrap computations in bootlm
- Minor changes to coefficient names in bootlm
- Made the default contrast coding 'treatment'
- Added ability to specify variable names in cell array for 'dim' input argument to bootlm
- bootlm output now reports N (number of independent sampling units instead of n)
- Added bootstrap estimate of prediction error
- Corrected calculation of N in STATS output of bootlm
- Improved robustness when flattening nested cell arrays of coefficient names (bootlm)
- Minor improvement to formula presentation in bootlm
- Minor changes to help information in bootlm
- Added more tests and demos to bootlm
- Tidied up some code and variable names