Log messages, stacktraces and objects dumps in Chrome Developper Console.
Based on ChromePHP Library by Craig Campbell.
$consolelog = Mage::helper('consolelog');
// Messages
$consolelog::info('This is an info log message');
$consolelog::warn('This is a warning log message');
$consolelog::error('This is an error log message with a stacktrace');
// Dump full objects
- Magento (any versions)
- PHP 5 (seems obvious)
- Install the Chrome extension from: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/noaneddfkdjfnfdakjjmocngnfkfehhd
- Install the Magento module and enable it
- Click the extension icon in the browser to enable it for the current tab's domain
More information can be found here: http://www.chromelogger.com