A kickstart script that can reproduce a CentOS 8 distro with basic Cobbler functionality installed.
The script kshpxemastercentos8.cfg is a suitably crafted kickstart script that provisions a CentOS 8 distro with all the package deps to serve a Cobbler installation. The script can easily be adapted. In its current form, it can build a VM/physical server with two NICs, one DHCPed NIC on the management/public network, the second (static IP) is the one to offer provisioning services. User accounts and passwords are included (modify the sections) and you shoukd be able to get a basic Cobbler server up and running that serves the static IP NIC. You can place that script on an HTTP path and if, for example, you use a KVM/QEMU, you could do something like:
sudo virt-install \
--name PXEMASTER \
--memory=2048 \
--vcpus=2 \
--os-type="linux" \
--location YOUR_ISO_FILE_PATH \
--network default,model=virtio \
--network bridge=br0,model=virtio \
--graphics=none \
--os-variant="rhel8.3" \
--console pty,target_type=serial \
-x 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial' \
-x "ks=http://YOUR_WEB_SERVER_IP_OR_FQDN/kshpxemastercentos8.cfg" \
-x "ksdevice=enp1s0"
-YOUR_ISO_FILE_PATH is the path of the downloaded ISO of the CentOS distro -YOUR_IMAGE_PATH is the path of the your VM image (at least 80 Gigs, Cobbler is a heavy user of /var) -YOUR_WEB_SERVER_IP_OR_FQDN is the reachable IP or DNS name from the VM/server you will try to provision
Written by Georgios Magklaras for Steelcyber Scientific