Added S3LoggingBucketName to json. You need to specify the S3 Bucket where the Logs should be placed in now. We also added a Prefix for the logs to be aws conform (Prefix: AWSLogs/AWS_ACCOUNTID/FirewallManager/AWS_REGION/).
Added Testing your WAF with GoTestWAF. To be able to check your waf we introduced the SecuredDomain Parameter in the json which should be your Domain which will be checked using the WAF tool.
Introduced three new Parameters in the taskfile (WAF_TEST,CREATE_DIAGRAM and CDK_DIFF).
Parameter | Value |
WAF_TEST | true (testing your waf with GoTestWAF) false (Skipping WAF testing) |
CREATE_DIAGRAM | true (generating a diagram using draw.io) false (Skipping diagram generation) |
CDK_DIFF | true (generating a cdk before invoking cdk deploy) false (Skipping cdk diff) |
- Add schema validation