An API built utilising the Scala Play framework, Scala's Mongo DB driver, the Akka fork (Pekko), containerised using Docker and deployed on Google Cloud Platform.
Hosted on Google Cloud Platform BaseUrl:
Clone down this repository. You will need Scala
and sbt
installed globally on your machine.
Create Binary: sbt clean compile stage dist
: A request on this end point will return a basic response "Welcome to the f1 insights API".
: A request on this end point will return a list of qualifying events
: A request on this end point will return a list of driver name's, numbers and teams they have raced for
: Using the above routes you can build a request on this end point, which will return a list of hotlaps
when given a driver's race number and session key (Pulled from events route).
If no query params are given it will return with an error response. A list of qualifying events can be accessed from
the /events endpoint
"lap_number": 2,
"sector_1": 32.861,
"sector_2": 54.692,
"sector_3": 30.978,
"lap_time": "1m58.531"
"lap_number": 22,
"sector_1": 32.385,
"sector_2": 51.619,
"sector_3": 30.473,
"lap_time": "1m54.477"
"average_laptime": "1m55.598"
request template:[DriverNumber]&session_key=[SessionKey]
- set application secret
export SECRET="changeme"
- Insert secret here
check is set withecho $SECRET
- build image:
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg SECRET=$SECRET -t [imageName] --load .
- run container:
docker run --name [containerName] -d -p 9000:9000 -e PORT=9000 myimage
- Catagorise drivers/events/laps by year
- Create comparison endpoint for two drivers in a shared session