Open library for read and write .dxf files (autocad-compatible).
It is fine and easy like this:
DXF_file f = new DXF_file(Mode.Open_file, "/home/mydxf.dxf");
Color_dxf c = new Color_dxf(255, 255, 255);
f.put_text(100, 50, 450, 0, 0.5, c, "text in dxf file");
f.put_arc(250, 300, 50, 120, 360, c, 4);
f.put_circle(400, 300, 50, c, 4);
f.put_line(0, 320, 100, 50, core.dash_type.Continuous, 20, c, 1);
300, 300, 1950, 300, 300, 800, //coordinates of 3 points
200, //ext dim lines
100, //ext ticks
350, //text_size
0.67, //text width factor
50, //s
2, //text change
2633.140, //text_x
1025, //text_y
100, //arrow size
0, //angle
"Open 30", //type arrow
"", //text
c //color