Vision: No more tracking your Mulatschak games per hand
Idea: The idea of this app is to create a tracker for your local Mulatschak game. This solves the problem of needing pen and paper to play the game. Additionally, it solves problems of cheating and makes the rules clear to everyone. The application can track your scores over multiple games. It can show you statistics over your game and how you perform. You will have your own user profile to track all that data.
- Vladyslav Batohov
- Jonathan Breitenthaler
- Tim Celec
- Raphael Hannes Innig
- Stefan Knežević
- Mario Meglitsch
- Milán Pados
Senior Developers
- Johannes Leibetseder
Scrum Master
- Gillsu George Thekkekara Puthenparampil
Product Owner
- Thomas Reith
Sprint 1:
- #1 MULI-1: Initial Setup
- #2 MULI-2: Create User Account - BE
- #3 MULI-17: Create User Account - FE
- #4 MULI-14: Create Navigation Bar
- #5 MULI-16: Design of App Logo
- #6 MULI-5: Start New Game
Sprint 2:
Sprint 3:
Sprint 4: