wikijs-rs v0.1.0
Initial release.
What's the State
The library should be usable but is not battletested yet. It includes the following features:
- structs for all types used by the GraphQL API
- functions for all GraphQL queries and mutations
- functions for asset download and upload via REST API
- login via username/password for API key
- error handling via custom module specific error types
This is usable but not complete yet. It includes the following features:
- login credentials via arguments or environment variable
- command subcommand structure in accordance to the functions offered by the library
- commands of parts of those functions mostly focussed on the page module
- a
page edit
command to modify page content via the chosen editor (EDITOR env variable or argument)
This is not really usable yet and heavily work in progress. So far it does:
- login credentials via arguments or environment variable
- some basic operations for pages (directory structure, reading and writing pages)
New Contributors
- @gierens made their first contribution
Full Changelog: