My implementation of the get_next_line function, similar to the fgets function in C and getline in C++.
Get_next_line is an individual project at 42 that requires us to create a function similar to getline from C++ and fgets from C. This function allows reading a file line by line when called in a loop.
- Unix logic
- Unix
- Rigor
- Algorithms & AI
Follow the steps below
# Clone the project and access the folder
git clone && cd 42cursus-get_next_line/
# Create a file do read
touch myfile.txt
# Write in file
echo "Test get_next_line!" > myfile.txt
# Compile the files, example:
cc main.c get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c
# Execute your program
# Clean output objects with
rm -f myfile.txt a.out
# Well done!
The project is regularly updated with bug fixes and code optimization.
Made by:
Gilmar Alexandro Romani 👋 See my linkedin