Java based Cucumber and Selenium framework.
Our goal is to make it easy to create, run and report on automated tests for webbased applications (by using behavior driven development).
- Cucumber based tests
- Selenium based tests using different browsers
- Run tests in parallel (Has some issue's)
- Generate readable reports (Work in progress)
To run the framework tests you minimal need:
- Java JDK v1.6+ (
- Maven (, install latest version in your local path)
- Google Chrome (, for the default configured example tests)
- Chrome WebDriver (, put the executable in your local path)
- Firefox (, for the default configured example tests)
If you want to get started with SenBot use our Demo Archetype to create a new SenBot project showcasing the SenBot possibilities. First create your project using:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.gfk.senbot -DarchetypeArtifactId=SenBotDemo-archetype -DgroupId=com.yourdomain.namespace -DartifactId=YourProjectName
This will result in a new folder in your current directory called 'YourProjectName', cd
into it and call mvn clean install
. This will start the maven build cycle which will also run all included cucumber tests utilizing Selenium.
After the prerequisites are installed clone the repository git clone [email protected]:gfk-ba/senbot.git
Run a mvn clean install
in the cloned directory
This will build the senbot and fire the its own test run containg many examples.
You can configure by means of properties files and runtime variables. The properties files can be contributed as part of your project but can also be configured outside of the project on your local system to allow for flexible development setups.
- Provide a properties file directly on the on the classpath named
. - Add a properties file in your user root folder by the name So
. - Run you commands with a runtime variable
pointing to your properties file. eg.mvn clean install
- Last, you can provide a
file directly on your classpath which would generally be excluded form your version control to allow every dev to manage their different senbot projects with a user specific configuration.
It is also possible to overwrite reference data values by providing property values in your properties file. So let's say you have used an implementation of ReferenceServicePopulator
to register a GenericUser to the SenBotReferenceService.addUser("loginUser1", new GenericUser(...values...)) method.
By providing the property GenericUser.loginUser1.userName=anotherUserName
, you will overwrite the default value during execution allowing for execution specific data configurations. This setup applies to all POJO's contributed to the reference service.
SenBot uses Maven as a build, dependency and test execution tool. Both for building SenBot itself as for running projects using SenBot maven is used. You can configure SenBot by means of runtime arguments. The following options are available:
This is a shorthand for the -Dcucumber.options and can be used as such.
Provide the path to the folder file from which to read the fature files from. mvn test -Dfeatures=path/to/folder/file.feature
. It is also possible to specify you wish to run
scenario's with specific tags defined mvn test -Dfeatures="path/to/folder --tags @mytag"
. You can even isolate a single scenario by name like so: mvn test -Dfeatures="path/to/folder -n='name of scenario'"
Maven uses the surefire plugin to run JUnit tests which in turn will fireup the cucumber tests. If you use multiple JUnit runners to run your tests you can choose to run just one of them
by passing in the -Dtest parameter with the fully qualified name of the JUnit class. mvn test -Dtest=com.domain.NameOfYourJUnitTest
Changing the default test environment (read:browser) can be done with -Denv. mvn test -Denv=FF
will run the tests against FireFox where mvn test -Denv=CH;IE,IE7,XP
run the tests against any Chrome version on any Operating System and run them against IE7 on Windows XP. Available options: FF, CH, IE, SF and phantomjs (for a headless browser).
Senbot allows you to define a default url to use. If not specified http://localhost:8080
is used.
If this needs to be different use mvn clean install -Durl=
If you want the senbot report to open automaticaly at the end of your run use: mvn clean install -DopenReport
SenBot supports running cucumber selenium tests in parallel. If you use the ParameterizedCucumber class as shown in the example test
ParameterizedCucumberTestBaseTest the feature files will be devided over multiple threads. By default 5 threads
will be used but this can be overwritten by using the -Dthreads=n
commandline argument.
SenBot uses slf4j configured though log4j for its logging. This allows you to overwrite how senbot logs its messages in your projects using SenBot. The default SenBot logger is configured to log to PROJECT_ROOT/target/logs/senbot.log as specified in the log4j.xml file. If you need to add log messages to your own StepDefinitions you can do so by adding a logger like so (example taken from the SenBotContext):
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SenBotContext.class);
In your code you can then log your messages by calling:
log.trace("Trace message");
log.debug("Debug message");"Info message");
log.warn("Warn message");
log.error("Error message");