This is a project built for Admira as a part of the hiring process.
The App is a full responsive Pokédex Web App which displays a list of the first 151 pokemons and their details.
After you clone the project go inside each folder [front-end, back-end] and run the command npm install on both (Used node version: 14.15.3)
The scripts you can run with npm (or yarn) are:
- npm start (to start the server): Start both front & back
- npm test (to see unit & component tests): In each separated folder [front-end, back-end]
- React
- Redux
- Node.js (with Express)
- MongoDB (using Mongoose)
- Jest (More than 50 tests)
- You can run the tests with npm test (inside each folder [front-end, back-end])
- EsLint (for good pratices & code styling)
- Axios
- react-router-dom
- react-redux
The App combines using a personal DB (hosted in Atlas from MongoDB) and the Pokemon API ( for loading all the data.
Some of the features (Pokemon moves for example) require a long time for the API to respond. Pokemons with lots of moves can take longer than 30s (you can try it with Caterpie for example for faster results).
I'd be really happy and gratefull to recieve any kind of feedback, feel free to comment 😁 !!