Gitted provides a way to import/export machine state. In the usual case, a "gitted" system is an LXC container.
The metagitted profile is meant to import/export the set of LXC containers.
That is: a push-to-deploy solution for bringing up new guest services (LXC containers) and update them with git push
To enable the meta-gitted host (the one that runs LXC containers), you need to setup Sysconf.
As root, setup sysconf from the metagitted-demo sysconf directory:
apt-get install curl
curl -L | tar xz -C / --strip-components=1
/sysconf/sysconf.base/tree/usr/bin/sysconf compile install update
Then, choose a directory somewhere from where you will administrate the meta-gitted system with git push and pull. There, clone the metagitted-demo repository:
git clone
git clone && cd metagitted.demo
Then add the remote. If it's a directory local to the metagitted system:
git remote add metagitted "ext::gitted git-remote-command %S"
If it's from outside through SSH (replace
with the host name):
git remote add metagitted "ext::ssh [email protected] gitted git-remote-command %S"
You're done! Ready to make push and pulls...
To deploy, for example, gitted.clipperz.demo:
git fetch master:demo
git push metagitted master demo
When the command ends, the clipperz application should be up and running through a newly-created LXC container demo
You can visit the app by opening the host IP into your web browser, since the TCP port 80 is forwarded as configured in /etc/metagitted/
After you have made changes to ClipperZ, the MySQL data will be extracted into Git commits when you make:
git fetch metagitted
You can merge the changes into your local demo
branch by making:
git checkout demo
git merge metagitted/demo
You can duplicate the application by creating a metagitted/demo2.guest
file based on the demo.guest
file, committing it and making:
git push metagitted master demo:demo2