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Compiling code in ARM based MacOS

Bodhinanda Chandra edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 5 revisions

Download and Installation

In order to obtain the source code, you will need to clone the repository using git. You need to install homebrew if you don't already have it, then you can install git through the following command:

brew install git

Once git is installed you can clone the code by using this command in a terminal:

git clone mpm

Alternatively, one can go to our GitHub, click the green "Code" button, and "Download ZIP" to manually download the compressed .zip folder.


  1. Go to the downloaded mpm folder and run mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=-fopenmp=lomp -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES="libomp" -DNO_KAHIP=True ..

  2. Run make clean && make -jN (where N is the number of cores).

Compile mpm or mpmtests

To compile either mpm, mpmtest_unit, or mpmtest_small alone, run make mpm -jN, make mpmtest_unit -jN, make mpmtest_small -jN (where N is the number of cores).