Note: The front and back end are two seperate applications and repositories.
- Back-End Repository
- Back-End deployment:
- Front-End Repository
- Regan Young
- Michael Douglas
- Genevieve Parkes
- Hannah Salmon
- Ben Te Hira
Temporary location-based chat service accessed by QR Code
- Master always green
- Feature branches merged into Dev branch pre-Master
- Pull Request approved by Mike
- Features on branches
- Separate workflow for front-end and back-end
- Lead/Inspiration - Regan
- Communication lead - Genevieve
- Technical lead/Git master - Mike
- Team happiness engineer - Ben
- Creative lead - Hannah
- Agile
- Pairing + supervisor Mike
- Standups - 3 standups minimum (morning, noon, night) and whenever we feel like it
- Learn Firebase
- Solidify MVC JS pattern
- Jasmine testing
- Deployment
- Interacting with APIs
- Mobile
- DRY/SOLID code
- QR Code stickers
- Retrospective testing
- Using Firebase
- Azure
- Heroku