Releases: gdyuldin/x6100_gui
Releases Β· gdyuldin/x6100_gui
- Webserver to configure radio and download files from it. Available in http://x6100/ or http://<radio_ip_address>/
- Band editor for FT8/FT4 #39
- Band up / down switch - no 60m #45
- Hiding messages (e.g. information about saving QSO was not show due to next message about TX). #30
- "9" handle key can't save/restore memory #35
- ATU long press doesn't activate indicator. #49
- Extend Transverter Frequency Range to include 4m band #51 (thanks for @infrat for merge request)
- Return Time Adjust button for FT8 #28
- Screen locks up if "nothing" is programmed to change on MFK knob #40
- Update freq boundaries on waterfall zoom
- Move images to shm for performance (might be helpful for slow SD cards)
- Saving same qso many times on repeating R report in FT8
- Better visibility of the waterfall marker (with zooming)
- Wifi support. Right now WiFi might be used to sync time with NTP or to connect device with ssh. Only open and WPA2 networks are supported. Only DHCP. #3
- FTx incremental decoding - messages appears on the screen before ending time slot.
- Support of FTx CQ modifiers (SOTA, POTA, AS, etc). Also CQ modifier might be a 3 digits (according #8
- Time synchronization notification. After synchronization WiFi might be turned off to save battery and reduce noise.
- Auto populate QTH from GPS. GPS app should be open for it. #9
- ATT/PRE shares one indicator. Both can't be turned on the same time. I did it to release a slot for wifi indicator.
- Time sync button on FT8 app was removed. Now time might be synchronized with WiFi.
- Incorrect handling of FTx CQ modifiers in received messages. #7
For WiFi I changed version of the buildroot. FT8 is now a separated library. I tested application some time, but these bigchanges might affect some functionality.
- Add current parameters values to some of bottom buttons (789b36d).
- Auto adjust TX level for FT8. It works on every TX and remember a single correction value (c93de29, e2d625e).
- Add udev listener for attaching GPS device. Less noise in the log (6dcf494).
- Better suspend display drawing, when it off (2915201).
- Slightly restyle RX (S-meter) and TX (PWR and SWR) indicators. S-meter step is 3 dB, PWR - 0.25 w, SWR - 0.1 (71f8418).
- Decreased log verbosity (be1e740).
- Rejecting QTH like JO89ts (fa56a0d)
- Fix applying filters while changing mode trough CAT (with wsjt-x, for example) (b63b537).
- Problem with answering some messages on FT8 (add044b, 7404749)
- Freezing FT8 application after some time. Now FT8 table contains not more than 512 items (1d9f483).
- Segfault on zoom change (6a40ba3)
- Some minor changes
Fixed issue with recorder.
- Waterfall zoom. Might be turned off in settings.
- Highlight worked call signs in FT8 / FT4 CQ messages. Worked calls signs marked with dark green background, worked on the same band with the same modulation - also strikethrough text.
- Importing log from ADI to database (for highlighting in FT8/FT4)
- Indicate satellites in view/in use, gps status (working, restarting, etc.)
- Max waterfall and spectrum zoom - 8x
- Image doesn't contain DATA partition. It will be created during first launch and will use all available free space on the SD card.
- Shift between spectrum and waterfall in CW
- USB-D after exiting from FT8 / FT4
- Incorrect S meter values with PRE or ATT.
- Inverted CW tune. Now left is lower frequencies, right is higher
- Change band on switching FT4 / FT8
- Width of the marker for FT4
- Wrong format of FT4 QSO in generated ADI
Known bugs:
- Sometimes, waterfall data is shown on wrong band (27 MHz on 14 MHz) after changing band.
Bump version