This is another attempt to merge drupal 7 and materialize! This theme is under development, so use it on your own risk on deployment sites, however, I'll try to write enouth documentation to make it easy to the costumize ;)
Rigth now it works with sass-compass, you can read the details on the confi.rb on the root folder. As you will see, if you what to use it, you need to download the repo of materialize! (the full one with sass files include)and place it on the root folder of the sass files inclided. there is no sass structure yet, just some basic styles from the example of templates on materializecss site. so you can get dirty hands.
I plane to move sass to nodejs platform in order to add **webpack and bower functionality, but that will be later on.
The Css defaults are rewrited, so it's posible to fine some minor conflicts but minima(I hope ;)).
- Velocity plugin jquery compatiblity error. (checked)
- Block, navbar content and basic stuff. (checked)
- Need's to theme the comment buttons output, in order to make materialize classes defaut. (checked)
- Add panels and DS compatible layouts.
- There is a hash problem with javascript, it needs review (Not knows behavior on functions, but my affect response times)(checked).
- Date, tease, user profiles and other basic elements on node.tpl need work and style.
- Create a way to changes color from administration themes form (maybe colors module).
- Need to figured how to print the nav dropdows.
- Style forum, books and stuff ??