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Portal Q Processor Component for Gawati Publishing

  • Verify checksum of received zip
  • Places path to zip package on ZIP_Q
  • Reads status from STATUS_Q
  • Posts status update to editor-q-processor

Portal Q Processor Component for Gawati Retraction

  • Places iri to be retracted on IRI_Q
  • Reads status from STATUS_Q
  • Posts status update to editor-q-processor


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install packages
    npm install
  3. Run
    node ./bin/www


  1. This component needs to on the same system as gawati-portal-publisher.
  2. It depends on several other components which are a part of the Publishing Workflow. The following components need to be started, in the given order, prior to gawati-editor-qprocessor:
    • gawati-data
    • gawati-portal-publisher


  1. Port: The default port is set to 9004.
  2. Zip path: This is set in constants.js and refers to the filesystem path where zip packages received from gawati-editor-qprocessor are stored. The path to the zip pakackges stored here is written to the ZIP_Q.
  3. Service end points: Endpoints for talking to gawati-editor-qprocessor. Set in configs/dataServer.json
The full documentation of the Publishing Workflow is [here]