Scrapy project for scraping the Stanford Securities Class Action Clearinghouse.
git clone
cd lit_scrape
scrapy crawl -o lit_data.json -t json --logfile lit_log.log seclit
This will make two files, lit_data.json and a log file you can ignore. The former will be a json dump of the litigation database. Turn it into a pandas dataframe like so:
import re, json
import pandas as pd
re_date = re.compile('[01]\d/[0123]\d/[12]\d\d\d')
clean_dat = []
with open('lit_data.json') as fh:
for row in json.load(fh):
tmp = {}
for k,v in row.items():
if k == 'description':
if k == 'url':
tmp[k] = v
if k == 'status':
_ = [_v.strip() for _v in v if _v.strip()]
tmp[k] = _[0]
tmp[k+'_long'] = '|'.join(_)
_ =[k+'_long'])
tmp[k+'_date'] = if _ else None
tmp[k] = v[0].strip() if v[0].strip() else None
if k == 'company' and 'Defendant: ' in v[0]:
tmp[k] = tmp[k].replace('Defendant: ', '')
df_lit = pd.DataFrame(clean_dat)
for c in 'class_start class_end date_filed status_date'.split():
df_lit[c] = pd.to_datetime(df_lit[c])
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).