Releases: gantsign/ansible_role_kompose
Releases · gantsign/ansible_role_kompose
- #51: Updated Kompose to 1.27.0
Other changes:
- #41: Removed unused test dockerfile config
- #42: Upgraded Flake8 to version 4.0.1
- #43: Upgraded yamllint to version 1.26.3
- #45: Updated moleculew to version 1.2.0
- #46: Upgraded Molecule to 3.1.5
- #48: Changed CI to run on Ubuntu 20.04
- #49: Changed CI to use ansible-galaxy-import-action
- #50: Refactored to reuse release workflow
- #53: Fixed Ansible Lint errors
- #52: Increased minimum Ansible version to 5
- #30: Updated Kompose to 1.23.0
Other changes:
- #11: Updated Molecule to 2.20.1
- #12: Removed duplicate Dockerfiles
- #13: Updated Molecule to 2.20.2
- #14: Increased upper Ansible test range to Ansible 2.8
- #15: Increased minimum Ansible version to 2.6
- #16: Updated Molecule to 2.22
- #17: Increased upper Ansible test range to Ansible 2.9
- #18: Increased minimum Ansible version to 2.7
- #19: Dropped support for Ubuntu Trusty
- #20: Updated moleculew to version 0.9.11
- #21: Optimized installation of dependencies
- #22: Updated moleculew to version 0.9.12
#23: Removed sudo key from Travis CI config#24: Configured Travis CI to test on Ubuntu Xenial#25: Updated Travis CI config to use jobs key instead of matrix- #26: Increased minimum Ansible version to 2.8
- #27: Updated Molecule to 3.0.8
- #28: Switched to GitHub Actions
- #29: Reduced build matrix