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Runtime Parameters: Input__Flag_*

hyschive edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 1 revision

Refinement thresholds of various refinement criteria OPT__FLAG_* described in Runtime Parameters -- Refinement, where each criterion has its own input file. For instance, the following shows an example of the table Input__Flag_Rho used by OPT__FLAG_RHO:

# Level                         Density
      0                             8.0
      1                            64.0
      2                           512.0

In this example, cells on levels 0, 1, and 2 will be flagged for refinement if their gas mass densities exceed 8.0, 64.0, and 512.0, respectively.

To add new flag tables, edit src/Init/Init_Load_FlagCriteria.cpp.

Table format:

  • Must have one and only one header line.

  • The first column (i.e., levels 0, 1, 2 in the example above) is actually useless and will not be loaded at all. The refinement thresholds and other parameters (if any) must be put in column(s) other than the first column.

  • Empty and comment lines (i.e., lines starting with #) are NOT allowed except in the first header line.

  • Must contain at least MAX_LEVEL data lines excluding the header line.

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