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This is a Simple DHCP server that provides enough for what DigitalRebar needs to operate an environment. It also provides a managemenet interface that allows for the alteration of leases and mapping data on the fly. This requires no-restarts of the server.


The service responses, by default, to https requests on 6755. The following URLs and formats are used. The service is controlled by a username and password.

List Subnets

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6755/subnets
Method: Get
Returns: a json array of subnet objects

    "name": "",
    "subnet": "",
    "next_server": [[]]
    "active_start": "",
    "active_end": "",
    "active_lease_time": 30,
    "reserved_lease_time": 7200,
    "leases": [
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "52:54:77:4e:00:02",
        "valid": true,
        "expire_time": "2015-07-18T03:55:48.210556397Z"
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "52:54:77:4e:00:00",
        "valid": true,
        "expire_time": "2015-07-18T03:55:32.331706048Z"
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "52:54:77:4e:00:01",
        "valid": true,
        "expire_time": "2015-07-18T03:55:40.329631313Z"
    "bindings": [
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"
    "options": [
        "id": 67,
        "value": "discovery/pxelinux.0"
        "id": 1,
        "value": ""
        "id": 28,
        "value": ""
        "id": 3,
        "value": ""
        "id": 15,
        "value": ""
        "id": 6,
        "value": ""

Show Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/
Method: Get
Returns: a json subnet object like the element in the list with leases
Errors: 404 if not found.

The subnet object containes leases (dynamic information), bindings (config-based info about devices), and options that should be used for nodes in the subnet.

The id of an Option is the number from the RFC2132 or follow-on ones. The value is a string representation of the type and will be converted to a byte string before sending to clients.

Create Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets
Method: Post
Data: json Subnet object (can have bindings, leases, and options)
Returns: a json subnet object like the element in list
Errors: 400 if request not valid
409 if subnet name already in use

Data is in the format:

    "name": "",
    "subnet": "",
    "next_server": "",
    "active_start": "",
    "active_end": "",
    "active_lease_time": 30,
    "reserved_lease_time": 7200

All fields are optional expect name and subnet.

Active start/end specifies a free range of DHCP addresses given to anyone. If none is specified, then only bound addresses will be given out.

Update Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/*##name##*
Method: Put
Data: json Subnet object (can have bindings, leases, and options)
Returns: a json subnet object like the element in list
Errors: 400 if request not valid
404 if subnet name not found

Just like create but updates an existing subnet

Delete Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/*##name##*
Method: Delete
Returns: 200
Errors: 404 if subnet name not found

Delete the subnet and all info with the subnet.

Bind Mac/IP in Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/*##name##*/bind
Method: Post
Data: json Binding Object
Returns: a json binding object
Errors: 404 if subnet name not found
400 if data is not valid

This call updates or creates a binding of a mac to an ip. The binding object may also contain options for the device.

The bind object looks like:

  "ip": "",
  "mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
  "options": [
      "id": 1,
      "value": ""

Unbind Mac/IP in Subnet

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/*##name##*/bind/*##mac##*
Method: Delete
Returns: 200 if binding removed
Errors: 404 if subnet name not found or mac not found

Deletes the binding of the mac/ip pair

Set Next Server for an IP

Url: https://user:[email protected]:6754/subnets/*##name##*/next_server/*##ip##*
Method: Put
Data: Json next server object
Returns: The next server object
Errors: 404 if subnet name not found or mac not found

This sets the next server that the DHCP ACK should point to for this IP. All mac bindings will be updated with this value.

The next server object looks like:

  "next_server": ""


go get -u
go install


The following things need to be done to run the micro-service. From the source directory, do the following.

  • cp config/config.gcfg /etc/rebar-dhcp.conf
  • You will need a https-cert.pem and https-key.pem.
openssl req -nodes -sha256 -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 \
   -keyout https-key.pem -out https-cert.pem -days 1001 \
   -subj "/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Anytown/O=Dis/CN=admin"
  • cp https-key.pem /etc/rebar-dhcp-https-key.pem
  • cp https-cert.pem /etc/rebar-dhcp-https-cert.pem

NOTE: Sometimes certs need addition configuration to deal with names or IPs.


To run the unit tests:

  • go get -t
  • go test

To get coverage:

  • go test -coverprofile=cover.out
  • sed -i -e "s#./(..go)#./\1#" cover.out
  • go tool cover -html=cover.out -o coverage.html



Config Syntax

Here is an example:

; The port
port = 6755
username = admin
password = admin

The network section specifies the parameters for the API endpoint. Access creds and listening port can be specifed.


Go DHCP Server







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