Pearse Lab
A tool to allow us to build, and then track, a common set of data, models, and forecasts to model the impact of environment, and so role of seasonality, in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Ensure you have Ruby (>= 2.5.1) and R (>= 3.6.3) installed on your computer. Then ensure the Ruby gems rake
, open-uri
, zip
, and yaml
are installed (something like sudo gem install rake
etc. should do the trick). All other dependencies are installed by the script; check error logs if something seems not to be working.
Open a terminal window and type rake
. Wait a while (several gigabytes of data are downloaded and processed). Note that metadata.yml
is updated every time new files are downloaded, time-stamping everything with when it was accessed.
To delete processed files, run rake clean
. To delete all downloaded files, run rake clobber
. Folders and the metadata.yml
file are not affected by these commands. Note that these folders will be created by this script, and have been added to the .gitignore
to remind you not to share data, but rather processing code.
If it 'ain't in the Rakefile
, it 'ain't being accepted.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and COVID-19 has burned so very, very brightly.