eRPC is a fast and general-purpose RPC library for datacenter networks. Our NSDI 2019 paper describes the system in detail. Documentation is available online.
Some highlights:
- Multiple supported networks: Ethernet, InfiniBand, and RoCE
- Low latency: 2.3 microseconds round-trip RPC latency with UDP over Ethernet
- Performance for small 32-byte RPCs: ~10M RPCs/sec with one CPU core, 60--80M RPCs/sec with one NIC.
- Bandwidth for large RPC: 75 Gbps on one connection (one CPU core at server and client) for 8 MB RPCs
- Scalability: 20000 RPC sessions per server
- End-to-end congestion control that tolerates 100-way incasts
- Nested RPCs, and long-running background RPCs
- A port of Raft as an example. Our 3-way replication latency is 5.3 microseconds with traditional UDP over Ethernet.
- Toolchain: A C++11 compiler and CMake 2.8+
- See
for required software packages for your distro. Install exactly one of the following, mutually-incompatible packages:- Mellanox OFED for Mellanox NICs
- System-wide DPDK for other, DPDK-compatible NICs
- NICs: Fast (10 GbE+) bare-metal NICs are needed for good performance. eRPC works best with Mellanox Ethernet and InfiniBand NICs. Any DPDK-capable NICs also work well. Slower/virtual NICs can still be used for testing and development.
- System configuration:
- At least 1024 huge pages on every NUMA node, and unlimited SHM limits
- On a machine with
eRPC processes, eRPC uses kernel UDP ports{31850, ..., 31850 + n - 1}.
These ports should be open on the management network. Seescripts/firewalld/
for systems runningfirewalld
- Build and run the test suite:
cmake . -DPERF=OFF -DTRANSPORT=infiniband; make -j; sudo ctest
enables debugging, which greatly reduces performance. SetDPERF=ON
for performance measurements.- Here,
should be replaced withraw
for Mellanox Ethernet NICs, ordpdk
for Intel Ethernet NICs. - A machine with two ports is needed to run the unit tests if DPDK is chosen.
instead ofctest
- Run the
application:cd hello_world
- Edit the server and client hostnames in
- Based on the transport that eRPC was compiled for, compile
usingmake infiniband
,make raw
, ormake dpdk
. - Run
at the server, and./client
at the client
- Generate the documentation:
- Ethernet/UDP mode:
- ConnectX-4 or newer Mellanox Ethernet NICs: Use
- DPDK-compatible NICs that support flow-director: Use
- Intel 82599 and Intel X710 NICs have been tested
- Virtual NICs have not been tested
transport is faster for Mellanox NICs, which also support DPDK
- ConnectX-3 Ethernet NICs are supported in eRPC's RoCE mode
- ConnectX-4 or newer Mellanox Ethernet NICs: Use
- RDMA (InfiniBand/RoCE) NICs: Use
. AddDROCE=on
if using RoCE. - Mellanox drivers optimized specially for eRPC are available in the
- Follow these instructions to try out eRPC on a machine without fast Mellanox or DPDK-capable NICs (e.g., on your desktop or in a virtual machine). This is for development only: eRPC is not designed to perform well in these settings. eRPC has been tested on KVM virtual machines and in Amazon EC2.
- Create an emulated RoCE device with [SoftRoCE] (instructions soon).
- Compile eRPC with
DTRANSPORT=infiniband -DROCE=on
- The
directory contains a suite of benchmarks and examples. The instructions below are for this suite of applications. eRPC can also be simply linked as a library instead (seehello_world/
for an example). - To build an application, create
and change its contents to one of the available directory names inapps/
. Seescripts/example_autorun_app_file
for an example. Then generate a Makefile usingcmake . -DPERF=ON -DTRANSPORT=raw/infiniband/dpdk
. - Each application directory in
contains a config file that must specify all flags defined inapps/apps_common.h
. For example,num_processes
specifies the total number of eRPC processes in the cluster. - The URIs of eRPC processes in the cluster are specified in
. Each line in this file must be<hostname> <management udp port> <numa_node>
. Seescripts/
for how to generate this file. - Run
for each process:- With single-CPU machines:
machines are needed. Runscripts/ <i> 0
on machinei
in{0, ..., num_processes - 1}
. - With dual-CPU machines:
num_machines = ceil(num_processes / 2)
machines are needed. Runscripts/ <i> <i % 2>
on machine i in{0, ..., num_machines - 1}
- With single-CPU machines:
- To automatically run an application at all processes in
, runscripts/
. For some applications, statistics generated in a run can be collected and processed usingscripts/
- GitHub issues are preferred over email. Please include the following
information in the issue:
- NIC model
- Mellanox OFED or DPDK version
- Operating system
Anuj Kalia ([email protected])
Copyright 2018, Carnegie Mellon University
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.