A clone of the classic game made entirely in C and made to be played in the terminal / cmd. With modularisation in mind the project is made to be easily modifiable.
The project has been developed on linux, so support for any other platform is not guaranteed.
The project needs ncurses library, to work properly.
Dependencies: gcc or any C compiler (in this case you need to edit the Makefile)
git clone https://github.com/amir-FM/2048 [instalation directory]
cd ./[instalation directory]
info: graphics are hard-coded into the source files. (logo and leaderboard texts)
- main.c - connects all modules
- menu.c - menu items + logo
- game.c - the game panel
- fileHandler.c - handles savefile and leaderboard
- colors.c - colorscheme for the game
- panels.c - auxilary panels for the game
- keys.c - keyboard scheme