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added example with simpleRobot
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Gabriele committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent b8ab2c1 commit 8e4a691
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Showing 8 changed files with 373 additions and 20 deletions.
75 changes: 55 additions & 20 deletions +dynasors/interpolateData.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,72 @@
function [w_H_b_dec, jointPos_dec, time_dec] = interpolateData(w_H_b, jointPos, time, tStep)
function varargout = interpolateData(varargin)

% interpolate and decimate data so that they can be visualized real
% Interpolate and decimate data so that they can be visualized real
% time with the Visualizer class. JointPos is a matrix of size
% ndofxlength(time), while w_H_b is of size 4x4xlength(time).
% Floating base:
% [w_H_b_dec, jointPos_dec, time_dec] = interpolateData(w_H_b, jointPos, time, tStep)
% Fixed base:
% [jointPos_dec, time_dec] = interpolateData(jointPos, time, tStep)
switch nargin
case 4
w_H_b = varargin{1};
jointPos = varargin{2};
time = varargin{3};
tStep = varargin{4};
case 3
jointPos = varargin{1};
time = varargin{2};
tStep = varargin{3};
error('[interpolateData]: wrong number of inputs!')

time_dec = time(1):tStep:time(end);

% it is necessary to convert w_H_b in position + rpy before proceeding
% with interpolation
pos = zeros(3, length(time));
rpy = zeros(3, length(time));
if nargin == 4
% it is necessary to convert w_H_b in position + rpy before
% proceeding with the interpolation
pos = zeros(3, length(time));
rpy = zeros(3, length(time));

for k = 1:length(time)
for k = 1:length(time)

w_H_b_k = w_H_b(:,:,k);
pos(:, k) = w_H_b_k(1:3, 4);
rpy(:, k) = dynasors.rollPitchYawFromRotation(w_H_b_k(1:3, 1:3));
w_H_b_k = w_H_b(:,:,k);
pos(:, k) = w_H_b_k(1:3, 4);
rpy(:, k) = dynasors.rollPitchYawFromRotation(w_H_b_k(1:3, 1:3));
state = [pos; rpy; jointPos];
state = jointPos;

state_rpy = [pos; rpy; jointPos];

% interpolate the state
state_dec = interp1(time, transpose(state_rpy), time_dec);
state_dec = interp1(time, transpose(state), time_dec);
state_dec = transpose(state_dec);

% now that signals are decimated, we regenerate w_H_b and jointPos
basePosRpy = state_dec(1:6, :);
jointPos_dec = state_dec(7:end, :);
w_H_b_dec = zeros(4, 4, length(time_dec));
if nargin == 4
basePosRpy = state_dec(1:6, :);
jointPos_dec = state_dec(7:end, :);
w_H_b_dec = zeros(4, 4, length(time_dec));

for k = 1:length(time_dec)
for k = 1:length(time_dec)

w_H_b_dec(1:3, 4, k) = basePosRpy(1:3, k);
w_H_b_dec(1:3, 1:3, k) = dynasors.rotationFromRollPitchYaw(basePosRpy(4:6, k));
w_H_b_dec(4, 1:4, k) = [0 0 0 1];
w_H_b_dec(1:3, 4, k) = basePosRpy(1:3, k);
w_H_b_dec(1:3, 1:3, k) = dynasors.rotationFromRollPitchYaw(basePosRpy(4:6, k));
w_H_b_dec(4, 1:4, k) = [0 0 0 1];
varargout{1} = w_H_b_dec;
varargout{2} = jointPos_dec;
varargout{3} = time_dec;
jointPos_dec = state_dec;
varargout{1} = jointPos_dec;
varargout{2} = time_dec;
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/init/init_control.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
% INIT_CONTROL control-related settings and parameters.
% Author: Gabriele Nava ([email protected])
% Genova: Mar. 2024

%% Controller gains

% joint space gains
Config.gains.KP = diag([15; 15]);
Config.gains.KD = 2*sqrt(Config.gains.KP);

%% Weights QP tasks

% cost function
Config.weightsQP.joints = 1;
Config.weightsQP.torques = 0.01;

% Hessian matrix regularization
Config.tasksQP.reg_HessianQP = 1e-4;

% QP bounds
Config.inequalitiesQP.maxJointTorque = [20; 20];
Config.inequalitiesQP.minJointTorque = [-20; -20];

%% Initialize QP problem with OSQP

% initialize problem
ndof = Config.ndof;
var.H = eye(ndof);
var.g = zeros(ndof,1);
var.A = eye(ndof); = Config.inequalitiesQP.minJointTorque;
var.ub = Config.inequalitiesQP.maxJointTorque;

% create the solver object
Config.opti = dynasors.OptiQP('osqp');
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/init/init_robot.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
% INIT_ROBOT robot-related settings and parameters.
% Author: Gabriele Nava ([email protected])
% Genova: Mar. 2024

% specify the list of joints that are going to be considered in the reduced model
Config.model.jointList = {'joint_1','joint_2'};

% select the link that will be used as base link
Config.model.baseLinkName = 'root_link';

% model name and path
Config.model.modelName = 'simpleRobot.urdf';
Config.model.modelPath = '../../../models/';
DEBUG = false;

% set the initial robot position and velocity [deg] and gravity vector
Config.initCond.jointPos_init = [10; 20]*pi/180;
Config.ndof = length(Config.initCond.jointPos_init);
Config.initCond.jointVel_init = zeros(Config.ndof,1);
Config.gravityAcc = [0;0;-9.81];

% load the reduced model
KinDynModel = iDynTreeWrappers.loadReducedModel(Config.model.jointList, Config.model.baseLinkName, ...
Config.model.modelPath, Config.model.modelName, DEBUG);

% set the initial robot position
iDynTreeWrappers.setRobotState(KinDynModel, Config.initCond.jointPos_init, Config.initCond.jointVel_init, Config.gravityAcc);
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/init/init_simulator.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
% INIT_SIMULATOR defines simulation options.
% Author: Gabriele Nava ([email protected])
% Genova: Mar. 2024

% integrator class options
Config.integr_opt.t_init = 0;
Config.integr_opt.t_step = 0.01;
Config.integr_opt.t_end = 10;
Config.integr_opt.max_n_iter = 1000000;
Config.integr_opt.solver_type = 'ode15s'; % 'ode23t'; % 'ode45'; % 'euler';
Config.solver_opt = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',1e-4,'Stats','off');

% visualizer class options
Config.viz_opt.color = [0.9,0.9,0.9];
Config.viz_opt.material = 'metal';
Config.viz_opt.meshesPath = '';
Config.viz_opt.transparency = 0.7;
Config.viz_opt.debug = false;
Config.viz_opt.view = [-92.9356 22.4635];
Config.viz_opt.groundOn = true;
Config.viz_opt.groundColor = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
Config.viz_opt.groundTransparency = 0.5;
Config.interpolation.tStep = 1/30; % data decimation for visualizer

% initialize the Logger class
Config.logger = dynasors.Logger();

% plot options for jointTorques
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.yLabel = 'jointTorques';
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.xLabel = 'time [s]';
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.title = 'Joint Torques';
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.lineSize = 3;
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.fontSize = 12;
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.legend = {'t_1','t_2'};
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/runSimpleRobot.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
% Example of usage of DynaSoRS library with simpleRobot.
% Author: Gabriele Nava ([email protected])
% Genova, Mar. 2024
clear variables
close all

% add path to local functions

% run scripts for initializing robot, simulator and control params.


% set initial conditions
init_state = [Config.initCond.jointPos_init; Config.initCond.jointVel_init];
u_init = jointsController(Config.integr_opt.t_init, init_state, KinDynModel, Config);

% numerical integration
Config.waitbar = waitbar(0,'Integration in progress...');
int = dynasors.Integrator(init_state, [], Config.integr_opt, Config.solver_opt);

% set initial control input and fwdyn function
control_fcn = @(t, x) jointsController(t, x, KinDynModel, Config);
int.input_ctrl = u_init;
int.integr_fcn = @(t,x) forwardDynamicsFixedBase(t, x, int.input_ctrl, KinDynModel, Config);

[time, state] = int.solve();
t_solver = toc;

disp('Integration done.')
disp(['Integration time: ', num2str(t_solver), ' [s]'])

if ~isempty(Config.waitbar)

disp('Press any key...')

% demux and interpolate the state
jointPos = state(:,1:2)';
[jointPos_dec, time_dec] = dynasors.interpolateData(jointPos, time, Config.interpolation.tStep);

% setup visualizer
disp('Visualizing the robot...')
viz = dynasors.Visualizer(eye(4), jointPos_dec, time_dec, KinDynModel, Config.viz_opt);

% run visualizer
t_viz = toc;

disp('Visualization completed.')
disp(['Visualizer real-time factor: ', num2str(time(end)/t_viz)])

% plot data collected with the logger
Config.plot_options_jointTorques.xValue =;
Config.logger.plotData('jointTorques', Config.plot_options_jointTorques);

% remove local paths
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/src/forwardDynamicsFixedBase.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
function xDot = forwardDynamicsFixedBase(t, x, ~, KinDynModel, Config)

% FORWARDDYNAMICS computes the forward dynamics of a fixed-based robot.
% System state: [jointPos, jointVel];
% Time derivative: [jointVel, jointAcc];
% Robot dynamics:
% M*jointAcc + h(jointPos, jointVel) = tau
% with tau = joint torques (control input).
% Author : Gabriele Nava ([email protected])
% Genova, Mar. 2024

%% ------------Initialization----------------

% update the waitbar
if ~isempty(Config.waitbar)
waitbar(t/Config.integr_opt.t_end, Config.waitbar);

% demux the system state
[jointPos, jointVel] = wbc.vectorDemux(x, [Config.ndof, Config.ndof]);

% update the current system state
iDynTreeWrappers.setRobotState(KinDynModel, jointPos, jointVel, Config.gravityAcc);

% demux the control input
jointTorques = jointsController(t, x, KinDynModel, Config);

% compute the joints acceleration and state derivatives
M = iDynTreeWrappers.getFreeFloatingMassMatrix(KinDynModel);
h = iDynTreeWrappers.generalizedBiasForces(KinDynModel);
jointAcc = M(7:end, 7:end)\(jointTorques - h(7:end));
xDot = [jointVel; jointAcc];

% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %

% log data from the forward dynamics simulation
Config.logger.logData(t, 'time');
Config.logger.logData(jointTorques, 'jointTorques');
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions examples/simpleRobot/src/getJointsControlQPQuantities.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
function [Hessian, gradient, lowerBound, upperBound] = getJointsControlQPQuantities(KinDynModel, jointPos, ...
jointVel, jointPosRef, Config)

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% QP tasks:
% 1) desired joints dynamics:
% jointAccStar = g -KD*jointVel -KP*(jointPos - jointPosRef)
% 2) joint torques regularization:
% jointTorques = 0
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
g = iDynTreeWrappers.generalizedGravityForces(KinDynModel);

% reference joints dynamics
jointAccStar = g(7:end) -Config.gains.KD*jointVel -Config.gains.KP*(jointPos - jointPosRef);


% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Tasks to be added to the QP cost function

H_joints = eye(Config.ndof);
g_joints = -jointAccStar;

% add weights
H_joints = Config.weightsQP.joints * H_joints;
g_joints = Config.weightsQP.joints * g_joints;

H_torques = eye(Config.ndof);
g_torques = zeros(Config.ndof, 1);

% add weights
H_torques = Config.weightsQP.torques * H_torques;
g_torques = Config.weightsQP.torques * g_torques;

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Build the QP cost function (Hessian matrix and gradient)
Hessian = H_joints + H_torques;

% regularization of the Hessian. Enforce symmetry and positive definiteness
Hessian = 0.5 * (Hessian + transpose(Hessian)) + eye(size(Hessian,1)) * Config.tasksQP.reg_HessianQP;

% compute the gradient
gradient = g_joints + g_torques;


% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% QP input boundaries. They are of the form:
% lb <= u <= ub
upperBound = Config.inequalitiesQP.maxJointTorque;
lowerBound = Config.inequalitiesQP.minJointTorque;

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