An embedded database for typescript and nodejs. Built as a tiny wrapper around level using borc for encoding.
Cbor-DB is a performant database designed for embedded projects and low traffic web apps. It uses cbor for encoding instead of json which enables smaller storage size as well as storage of arbitrary blobs.
Cbor-DB is loosely based on Depot-DB, like Depot-DB, it has a different, yet familiar query language. Typescript.
In cbor-db the "where" is a function that is passed all of the documents in the db.
If the function returns true, the document is added to the collection, otherwise it is ignored. This is simple and yet performs well thanks to the use of streams.
The same goes for "sort". The sort function is passed two documents ("a" and "b") and returns a number determining which one goes first. If the sort function returns a number greater than zero "a" is at a higher index than "b", less than zero and "b" comes first. If it returns 0 they "a" and "b" equivalent.
npm i --save cbor-db
import { DB } from 'cbor-db'
// Define a document type.
// All documents must have a readonly id field
// that is of type string | number
type Person = {
id: string
firstname: string
lastname: string
age: number
// Initialize a people database (Stored in /databases/people)
// If running in node, the directory will be created if it
// doesn't exist.
const people = DB.create<Person>('/databases/people')
// You can also create an in memory DB that
// uses memdown. Useful for development and testing.
const inMemPeope = DB.create<Person>(':mem:')
// Store some people
people.put({ id: 1, firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', age: 32 })
people.put({ id: 2, firstname: 'Jane', lastname: 'Doe', age: 32 })
people.put({ id: 3, firstname: 'Tim', lastname: 'Burton', age: 59 })
people.put({ id: 4, firstname: 'Stark', lastname: 'Doe', age: 45 })
// Query people
const findPeopleOlderThan = async (age: number): Promise<Person[]> =>
where: (person) => person.age > age,
// Find a person by their key (rejects if person is not found)
const getPersonById = async (id: number): Promise<Person> => people.get(1)
const tryItOut = async () => {
const found = await findPeopleOlderThan(40)
found.forEach((p) => {
// Tim
// Stark
const person = await getPersonById(1)
console.log(person.firstname) // 'John'
Full API documentation can be found here