A social network website keeps users's informations in binary search tree structure. Here is all operations that uses Binary Search Tree.
Tree is gonna built from Input.txt file. Every line of that file consists user's id, user's name, user's friends's id's.
31,Ayse Terim,9-15-53-60
id, name surname, id-id-id-id
Functions in the program listed below:
addAll() : Adds all people from file.
insertNewUser() : Adds new user to tree. Takes user's id as an input. Id must exist in the file.
deleteUser() : Deletes user from tree. Takes user's id as an input. Id must exist in the bst.
contains() : Searches user from tree. Takes user's id as an input. Prints the user's name and surname.
friends() : Prints the user's friends's name and surname. Takes user's id as an input.
size() : Prints the number of nodes in the tree.
printNext() : Prints user's subtree in ascending order. Takes user's id as an input.
printInOrder() : Prints all nodes in the tree in order.
printGreater() : Prints the users's name-surname and id that has greater id from given user's id. Takes user's id as an input.