Building a rudimentary ml framework from scratch in rust.
This project is a work in progess. It is also intended as a learning project to improve my understanding of ML framework implementation details and Rust.
let x = Tensor::new([3., 4., 5.]);
let y = Tensor::new([1., -2., 1.]);
let z = Tensor::new([-3., 1., 3.]);
let s = ((x + y.clone() + y) * z.relu()).reduce_sum();
// Performs reverse mode autodiff and sets private grad field on tensors throughout the graph of `s`.
let x = Tensor::new([[0.0; 5]; 10]); // shape: [10, 5]
// Simply specify a Tensory w/ dtype and shape and call reshape
// If the shape is valid for the starting shape the code will compile
let x2: Tensor<f32, D3<2, 5, 5>> = x.reshape(); // shape: [2, 5, 5]
// This will *not* compile, becase the shape [51] is invalid for a tensor of shape [2, 5, 5]
let x3: Tensor<f32, D1<51>> = x2.reshape(); // ERROR!!
- Initial tensor structure
- Basic elementwise operations
- Basic backprop implementation
- Fix graph traversal complexity
- Tensor Shapes
- Matmul
- Tensor Indexing
- Potentially improve Op implementation
- Make it simpler to create/register new ops & backward functions
- Generate similar ops using macros
- Define a module structure
- Implement an optimizer
- Setup test structure
- Organize repo code
- Add CI w/ Github Actions