Built with Slurp | Install | Usage | Commands | Configuration
Use the example dev configuration to get started.
is configured with standard Elixir
constructs under the :slurp
key. Details for each configuration option are provided below:
# [default: %{}] [optional] Map of configured advisor groups. See below for more details.
config :slurp, blockchains: %{}
# [default: %{}] [optional] Map of configured advisor groups. See below for more details.
config :slurp, log_subscriptions: %{}
abstract a common interface for subscribing and requesting data.
They are configured under the :slurp, :blockchains
config :slurp,
blockchains: %{
"ethereum-mainnet" => [
# [default: true] [optional] Starts the blockchain on initial boot
start_on_boot: true
abstract a common interface for streaming incoming blocks. They
are configured under the :slurp, :new_head_subscriptions
config :slurp,
new_head_subscriptions: %{
"*" => [
enabled: true,
handler: {Examples.NewHeadHandler, :handle_new_head, []}
abstract a common interface for scanning events emitted
from contracts. They are configured under the :slurp, :log_subscriptions
They can be configured in 2 ways:
- explicit config map - A map containing keys of event signatures and a list decode handlers
- mfa - A module, function, arguments tuple that returns an explicit config map from (1)
config :slurp,
log_subscriptions: %{
"ethereum-mainnet" => %{
"Transfer(address,address,uint256)" => [
enabled: true,
handler: {Examples.EventHandler, :handle_erc20_transfer, []},
event_mappings: [
"anonymous" => false,
"inputs" => [
"indexed" => true,
"name" => "from",
"type" => "address"
"indexed" => true,
"name" => "to",
"type" => "address"
"indexed" => false,
"name" => "value",
"type" => "uint256"
"name" => "Transfer",
"type" => "event"
"*" => [
{Examples.Tokens.EventFactory, :create, [[approval_enabled: true, transfer_enabled: true]]}
By default Elixir will use the console logger to print logs to stdout
in the
main process running slurp
. You can configure your Elixir logger to format
or change the location of the output.
For example. To write to a file, add a file logger:
# mix.exs
defp deps do
{:logger_file_backend, "~> 0.0.10"}
And configure it's log location:
# config/config.exs
use Mix.Config
config :logger, :file_log, path: "./log/#{Mix.env()}.log"
config :logger, backends: [{LoggerFileBackend, :file_log}]
If you intend to deploy slurp
to a service that ingests structured logs, you
will need to use a supported backed. For Google Cloud Stackdriver you can use logger_json
# mix.exs
defp deps do
{:logger_json, "~> 2.0.1"}
# config/config.exs
use Mix.Config
config :logger_json, :backend, metadata: :all
config :logger, backends: [LoggerJSON]