Study a baroclinic perturbation in ECMWF data with plots of various meteorological diagnostics
Note 1 : This code was developed for educationnal purposes, and for French students. So the comments in the notebook are in French but the graphics and legends are in English.
Note 2 : If you have any comment/suggestion, if you find this code useful --> please send me an email : mailto:[email protected]
The data needed to run the notebook (MSLP, z, u, v, t, pv, w, q) are NOT provided. They can be downloaded here :
If you can't find the data ask me and I'll make it available for you.
With the notebook you will be able to compute and plot :
- Thickness
- Potential temperature
- Equivalent Potential temperature (Metpy function)
- Relative humidity (Metpy function)
- Geostrophic and agesotrophic winds
- Divergence
- Vorticity (relative/absolute)
- Potential vorticity
- Temperature advection
- Differential vorticity advection
- Interpolation of the isobaric potential vorticity on an isentropic surface (Metpy function)
- Gostrophic forcing and its convergence/divergence (Q1, Q2, div(Q))
- Frontogenesis and deformation field