Use GAN technology on stock bars (Chinese A stocks, stocks of USA and HK) to train two models: generator and discriminator.
which can be used as an indicator on a stock, similar with KDJ.
which can be used to select stocks or group them.
build discriminator model;
build generator model;
generate faked bars data from random seed by Generator and plot bars figure;
select sequential real bars data from real stocks trading data which are saved in ‘data’ Dir or would be downloaded by ‘tushare’ / ‘pandas_datareader’ if not in this Dir;
train GAN model on a certain stock data;
train GAN model on all Chinese A stocks one by one(all needed data had been saved in ‘data’ Dir); It runs on Colab to train GAN on 7 accounts simultaneously and it has two mode: Master ans slave; ‘Master’ distributes task for each account(recorded in ‘task’ Dir); ‘Slave’ train GAN on own distributed stocks one by one.
save stocks data which are downloaded by ‘tushare’ / ‘pandas_datareader’;
each model weights, train loss, generate figs and discriminator indicator after complete GAN model training;
each task which is distributed by when it run on mode ‘Master’ and modified on mode ‘Slave’ on Colab for multi-training.