To get data from the webpage of the solar micro inverter Bosswerk Mi600 or Mi300 and pushs them to an mqtt server. The script gets the data for:
- the acutal power
- the produced energy of today
- the produced energy over all The webservice of the inverter is manly driven by javascript, so it needs selenium (with firefox and geckodriver) and a virtual display to extract the data.
Different errors are treated:
- The inverter is "Offline" for exaample during night.
- It can't find the data on the webside of the inverter
- it takes to long to get the data of the system.
- mqtt publish path in the config file
- make a better installation description
- better errorhandling with the mqtt server
1.) Install all necessary packages to get you python system to run.
2.) Copy the 3 files to the folder "/opt/solar" and configure the "config.ini" file
2.1) The SerialNumber (SN) can be found on the main-Page and is needed to see, if the side is correctly loaded
3.) add your script to the crontab: "crontab -e"
"* * * * * /opt/solar/ >> /opt/solar/logging.txt 2>&1"
Hint: Please notice, that different python modules are needed. Depends on missing modules use:
4.0) apt-get install python3-pip
4.1) pip install selenium
4.2) pip install pyvirtualdisplay
4.3) pip install paho-mqtt
4.4) pip install xvfbwrapper