This library provides a stomp client for Web browsers and nodejs through Web Sockets with Rxjs Observables.
This is a fork of the original [webstomp-client] ( (which is a fork of the original stomp-websocket) re-written to use rxjs Observables. All credits goes to the original authors: Jérôme Steunou & Jeff Mesnil & Jeff Lindsay.
When you connect a client instance via connect
, all subscribers to the same Observable will use the same connection.
As described in options, it is possible to setup an automatic reconnection. When the connection will be available, a new connectedClient will be given back to all the subscribers of that source.
When the last subscriber to connect
unsubscribe, the connection is automatically closed.
Note : the connection is automatically restarted on first subscribe
As we use the observable, it is easy to resubscribe automatically to the queue / topic that were already subscribed to (see tasks example) when the reconnection happens.
Only ES5 compatible modern browsers are supported. If you need a websocket polyfill you can use sockjs
As nodejs does not have a WebSocket object like browsers have, you must choose a websocket client and use webstompobs.over instead of webstompobs.client
. Choosing a good client is maybe the most difficult part:
Go into example folder, npm run example
will open examples in browser and try to connect to RabbitMQ Web-Stomp default Web Sockets url.
npm install webstomp-obs
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/webstomp-obs/dist/webstompobs.web.js"></script>
will be a global variable.
var webstompobs = require('webstomp-obs');
import webstompobs from 'webstomp-obs';
Jeff Mesnil stomp-websocket documentation is still a must read even if the API evolved a little
Uses global WebSocket
object for you to return a webstompobs Client
with protocols by default to ['v10.stomp', 'v11.stomp', 'v12.stomp']
Web Sockets endpoint url
- maxConnectAttempt: default to 10 - number of reconnecting attempt before throwing an error (calling createWsConnection to attempt the connection)
note : 0 won't try to reconnect at all and -1 will infinitely try to reconnect
- ttlConnectAttempt: default to 1000 - each attempt of reconnection will wait ttlConnectAttempt * before reconnecting
- binary: default to
. See binary section.
- heartbeat: default to
{incoming: 10000, outgoing: 10000}
. You can provide false
to cut it (recommended when the server is a SockJS server) or a definition object.
- debug: default to
. Will log frame using console.log
. See binary section.{incoming: 10000, outgoing: 10000}
. You can provide false
to cut it (recommended when the server is a SockJS server) or a definition object.true
. Will log frame using console.log
over(createWsConnection, [options])
Takes a function createWsConnection returning a WebSocket
alike object instance to return a webstomp Client
Allows you to use another WebSocket
object than the default one. 2 cases for this:
- you do not want
to create a default instance for you. - you are in an old browser or nodejs and do not have a global
object thatwebstomp.client
can use.
function returning a WebSocket
object instance (connected to the chosen url)
same as up for client function
List all STOMP specifications supported.
List all websocket STOMP protocols supported. Useful when creating your own WebSocket
instance, although optional, protocols is often the second parameter.
A client instance can and should be created through webstompobs.client
or webstompobs.over
Return an Observable which you can subscribe to multiple subscribers. Disconnect automatically when the last subscriber unsubscribe. Each time that a new connection is initiated, the observers will receive a new ConnectedClient
A connectedClient instance returned onNext by Client.connect after subscribing (and a connection has been successfully initiated)
Note : to disconnect the connectedClient you need to unsubscribe to the Client.connect, if no subscribers are remaining, the ws will be effectively disconnected
send(destination: string, body?: string, headers?: ExtendedHeaders): void;
Send a message to the destination "destination" Note : the websocket should throw an exception if sending is not possible (disconnected ws for example), and the consumer should catch it if necessary
begin(transaction?: any): {
id: any;
commit: any;
abort: any;
If no transaction ID is passed, one will be created automatically
commit(transaction: any): void;
It is preferable to commit a transaction by calling commit()
directly on the object returned by client.begin()
var tx = connectedClient.begin(txid);
abort(transaction: any): void;
It is preferable to abort a transaction by calling abort()
directly on the object returned by client.begin()
var tx = connectedClient.begin(txid);
ack(messageID: any, subscription: any, headers?: {}): void;
It is preferable to acknowledge a message by calling ack()
directly on the message handled by a subscription callback:
var source = connectedClient.subscribe('webstomp-tasks-example');
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (message) {
nack(messageID: any, subscription: any, headers?: {}): void;
var source = connectedClient.subscribe('webstomp-tasks-example');
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (message) {
receipt(): Observable;
Will give back an Observable to subscribe to get the receipt event.
connectionError(): Observable;
Will give back an Observable to subscribe to get the connection errors.
error(): Observable;
Will give back an Observable to subscribe to get the error event.
subscribe(destination: string, headers?: SubscribeHeaders): Observable;
Initialise an UNIQUE subscription with the websocket on a destination (usefull for the queue for example) To unsubscribe to the destination, you can call subscription.unsubscribe()
var source = connectedClient.subscribe('webstomp-tasks-example');
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (message) {
onMessage(currentLine, message);
function (err) {
function () {
subscribeBroadcast(destination: string, headers?: SubscribeHeaders): Observable;
Initialise a BROADCAST subscription with the websocket per destination (usefull for the topic for example), by using this, if you subscribes multiple times to the same destination using the same connected client, no new subscription will be initiated. To unsubscribe to the destination, you call call subscription.unsubscribe() The unsubscribe will be effective when no other is subscribing to the same destination.
var source = connectedClient.subscribeBroadcast('webstomp-tasks-example');
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (message) {
onMessage(currentLine, message);
function (err) {
function () {
Will use console.log
by default. Override it to update its behavior.
It is possible to use binary frame instead of string frame over Web Sockets.
- client side: set the binary option to true.
- server side: use a compatible websocket server, like with RabbitMQ Web-Stomp since 3.6
Not all server are compatible, you may have to deactivate this feature depending the server you are using. For example RabbitMQ Web-Stomp is compatible only since 3.6 with native Web Sockets server.