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List of popular open source Fortran projects

Nick Doiron edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 48 revisions

In order to more easily judge how Fortran developers actually use Fortran in real production codes, we maintain a list of popular open source Fortran projects here (GitHub lists Fortran as the main language), sorted by the number of stars at GitHub (in parentheses), for now we set the limit to at least 29 stars:

Project Stars Contributors
OpenBLAS 3071 128
fortran-machine 521 2
LAPACK 495 43
ElmerFEM 349 26
WRF 338 45
fds 285 49
functional-fortran 266 1
Quantum ESPRESSO 219 46
fluidity 189 36
fortranlib 187 1
json-fortran 178 4
Nek5000 168 30
cp2k 167 41
fortran2018-examples 164 1
NASTRAN-95 156 1
specfem3d 152 23
NWChem 147 45
gtk-fortran 147 4
CFL3D 130 2
fortran-utils 123 5
OpenCoarrays 117 14
arpack-ng 115 31
DFTB+ 113 13
NASTRAN-93 113 1
MPAS 111 37
neural-fortran 111 5
NetCDF-Fortran 105 17
CTSM 102 22
Castro 100 30
ABINIT 97 23
FLAP 85 5
bspline-fortran 83 1
forpy 77 4
OFF 76 2
MOM6 75 41
VTKFortran 72 3
datetime-fortran 70 6
node-fortran 69 2
Fortran-Astrodynamics-Toolkit 68 1
pyplot-fortran 66 5
Starlink 65 31
WPS 65 10
ogpf 62 1
pFUnit 61 13
tcp-client-server 58 1
ftl 57 2
fgsl 56 4
OpenCMISS 56 25
StringiFor 55 5
wrf_hydro_nwm_public 53 22
SciFortran 50 2
bandup 49 3
LaGriT 48 8
stdlib 47 7
clfortran 46 1
fox 45 8
FEconv 44 4
lesgo 44 7
FortranPatterns 43
FV3-GFS 43 1
coretran 40 2
tsunami 40 1
fdict 39 1
CFD 39 1
coretran 39 2
ICAR 39 7
PIC Skeleton Codes 38 4
IAMR 36 14
ADflow 34 17
PoisFFT 33 2
sigma 33 1
aenet 32 2
DBCSR 32 14
node.fortran 32 1
h5fortran 31 2
kdtree2 31 1
numerical-methods-fortran 31 1
CompDam 30 3
Flexi 56 12
GFR 30 2
OpenSWPC 30 1
ROMS 30 4
slsqp 30 2
Truchas 30 8
fortran-csv-module 30 3
FMS 29 27
SNAP 29 6
freeCappuccino 29 1

Non Github projects

Project Stars-equivalent Contributors
MESA ~1000 users on mailing list 16

Note: Probably most Fortran codes are actually not open source, but rather maintained at big labs and corporations. But it is still useful to at least be able to see the open source landscape.

Note: The number of stars roughly correspond to how many people find the project interesting. The longer the project is at GitHub, the more stars it generally gets, so it is not completely fair to compare a 10 year old project with a 0.5 year old project in terms of stars. Also some projects game the number of stars (ask people to star the project, etc.).

Note: The number of contributors correspond to how healthy the project is in terms of development and it is a proxy how many users the project actually has (typically a small percentage of users contribute fixes back to the project and increase the contributor number). The contributor number that GitHub displays might not be the complete number, as some projects had lots of contributors before moving to git and GitHub.

Discussion: you can discuss this list at the associated issue

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