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wvengen edited this page Mar 24, 2014 · 15 revisions

This is a collection of notes that, I hope, will eventually expand to a guide to creating Plugins for foodsoft.

Creating a new plugin

In the foodsoft root directory, generate a new plugin. We keep plugins in the "lib" directory, and their names are prefixed with "foodsoft_".

rails plugin new lib/foodsoft_myplugin --full --skip-gemfile

The --full option indicates that we're not only creating a rails plugin, but also an engine, which can define new views and controllers.

Now modify the generated files, at least: "foodsoft_myplugin.gemspec" and "".

To enable the plugin for foodsoft, add the following line to foodsoft's "Gemfile":

gem 'foodsoft_myplugin', path: 'lib/foodsoft_myplugin'

When you run the rails server, you should see an unmodified foodsoft, but with the knowledge that the new plugin code is being loaded.

Adding a configuration option

There are two kinds of configuration options: foodcoop-specific ones (as defined in "config/app_config.yml"), and Rails application configuration (which is defined in "config/application.rb", as well as in the environments). The latter can be specific to the (development/production/test) environment.

To add a foodcoop-specific option, you don't need to do anything special - you can look at FoodsoftConfig[:my_option] to access it. Do handle the case when the option isn't present. And please document it in your plugin's "".

To add a Rails configuration option, however, you need to define it first. (See also here).

Create a file "lib/foodsoft_myplugin/lib/foodsoft_myplugin/configuration.rb" defining the plugin's configuration options:

module FoodsoftMyplugin
  class Configuration
    def initialize
      @my_option = 'The Default'
    attr_accessor :my_option

Then, in "lib/foodsoft_myplugin/lib/foodsoft_myplugin.rb", include it in the engine:

require 'foodsoft_myplugin/engine'
require 'foodsoft_myplugin/configuration'

module FoodsoftMyplugin
  def self.configuration
    @configuration ||=

Now you can set the option in foodsoft's "config/application.rb", or, for example, in "config/environments/production.rb". Please surround this with a test to see if the plugin is defined - so that the same configuration can be used when the plugin is disabled too:

Foodsoft::Application.configure do
  # Myplugin configuration
  if defined? FoodsoftMyplugin
    config.my_option = 'Something Else'

When you're writing a plugin that is to be included in foodsoft, please add such a section to the bottom of both the development sample and production environment configuration. And in case of a foodcoop-specific option, please add a comment to "config/app_config.yml.SAMPLE" explaining the option and a note that this plugin needs to be enabled to use it.

Adding to the navigation bar

Foodsoft uses simple-navigation for its navigation bar. It is possible to add items from within plugins. This is a bit of a hack, since there is currently no generally accepted way to do that within simple-navigation (but it's on their wishlist). The current approach is based on this gist.

Foodsoft's navigation is setup in config/navigation.rb. This (will) includes a call to the navigation method of all engines (plugins) when they exist. This allows a plugin to modify the menu. This is done by adding this method to the plugin's Engine class, typically in lib/foodsoft_plugin/lib/_plugin_name/engine.rb.

Example of adding a top-level menu item:

class Engine << ::Rails::Engine
  def navigation(primary, context)
    primary.item :nice, 'Nice', nice_path

When you want to add it at a specific position, see, for example, how the wiki plugin does it.

Example of adding a second-level item (in the existing foodcoop submenu):

class Engine << ::Rails::Engine
  def navigation(primary, context)
    return if primary[:foodcoop].nil?
    primary[:foodcoop].sub_navigation.items <<, :sayhi, I18n.t('sayhi.navigation.sayhi'), context.sayhi_path)

To place the item right after some other, you can look at the messages plugin.

Please make sure the code still runs when a menu item doesn't exist - some foodcoops may choose to restructure their menu, or hide certain items alltogether.

Modifying an existing foodsoft view

Adding a new controller and view is easy - just create it in the plugin as you would do in a rails application. But adding an element to an existing page is different. This can be done in different ways.

  • Deface - the most general way, you can modify any existing view. But since it hooks deep into the templating system, it may have an unintended issue here and there.
  • Add something to the flash in a controller hook
  • Add something using content_for in a controller hook


First add the dependency to your foodsoft_sayhi.gemspec file:

s.add_dependency "deface", "~> 1.0.0"

and require "deface" it in your plugin's "lib/foodsoft_sayhi.rb". Now you can add overrides as explained in the deface documentation. We like to use the deface DSL.

The signup plugin is a good example using deface.

TODO expand this, incl. erb[loud]

Controller hook: add to the flash


The signup plugin has an example.

Controller hook: content_for_in_controllers


The uservoice plugin is a good example.

I18n and translations

The plugin has its own locale file in lib/foodsoft_sayhi/config/locales/en.yml. To integrate with localeapp, and to aid our translators, we put these strings into foodsoft's main texts in config/locales, and manage translations there. It is still important to keep the plugin's translations into its own file so that we can know which texts belong to plugins.

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