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File formats for article lists

JuliusR edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 4 revisions

The SharedDatabase supports several file formats for automatic article synchronization via FTP or e-mail. Alternatively, the foodsoft can parse manually uploaded article lists from files that match the foodsoft format.

Format: BNN3


Format: foodsoft

Simple spreadsheet file. Excel (xls, xlsx) and OpenOffice (ods) spreadsheets are accepted, as well as comma-separated files (csv, columns separated by ";" with utf-8 encoding). Only the first sheet will be imported, and columns must be in the following order:

Status Order number Name Note Manufacturer Origin Unit Price (net) VAT Deposit Unit quantity (Reserved) (Reserved) Category
1234A Walnuts Nuttyfarm CA 500 gr 8.90 7 0 6 Nuts
x 4321Z Tomato juice Organic Brownfields IN 1.5 l 4.35 7 0 1 Juices
4322Q Tomato juice Organic Greenfields TR 1.2 l 4.02 7 0 2 Juices

The rows shown here are examples. When there is an "x" in the first column, the article is outlisted and will be removed. This allows you to edit the spreadsheet and quickly remove many articles at once, for example when articles become unavailable with the supplier. The category will be matched to your Foodsoft category list (both by category name and import names).

You should double-check if the decimal separator of your choice (example: 1.5 l vs. 1,5 l) is correctly handled.

See also the implementation in sharedlists or in foodsoft.

Other formats

There are more formats, but there is no documentation available yet. See the sharedlists source code for a list of all its supported formats.

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