Releases: folio-org/ui-local-kb-admin
Releases · folio-org/ui-local-kb-admin
Version 8.1.1
8.1.1 2024-12-09
- ERM-3461 Cannot reset sync status via the UI
What's Changed
- Release 8.1.1 by @Jack-Golding in #395
Full Changelog: v8.1.0...v8.1.1
Version 8.1.0
8.1.0 2024-11-01
- ERM-3380 Update module license and guidance for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-3354 Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for ui-local-kb-admin (Eureka)
- ERM-3234 React v19: refactor ui-local-kb-admin away from default props for functional components
- ERM-3165 Replace moment with dayjs across app suite
- FOLIO-4086 Fix GitHub Actions workflow not running for tags
- ProxyServerSettings
- Fixed issue where wrong callout text showed up while saving ProxyServerSetting
- Swapped deprecated use of renderToOverlay out for a usePortal instead in ProxyServerSettingsForm
What's Changed
- Release 8.0.x by @EthanFreestone in #365
- chore: post release work by @EthanFreestone in #366
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #367
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #369
- ERM-3180 LOCAL external source should not offer delete option by @CalamityC in #368
- ERM-3195, Settings page for Proxy server settings should use filter by @MonireRasouli in #370
- docs: CHANGELOG section post patch 8.0.1 by @EthanFreestone in #372
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #374
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #375
- ERM-3165, Replace moment with dayjs across app suite by @MonireRasouli in #376
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #377
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #378
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #379
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #380
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #381
- ERM-3341, Move GitHub actions to shared workflows, refs ERM-3336 by @MonireRasouli in #382
- chore: Tweaked jest maxWorkers to 50% to speed up test runner by @EthanFreestone in #383
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #384
- ci: Validate package by @EthanFreestone in #385
- [FOLIO-4086] Fix GitHub Actions workflow not running for tags by @ncovercash in #386
- Lokalise: Translations update by @folio-translations in #387
- ERM-3380: Update module license and guidance by @Jack-Golding in #388
Full Changelog: v8.0.1...v8.1.0
Version 8.0.1
8.0.1 2024-04-19
- ERM-3195 Settings page for Proxy server settings should use filter
- ERM-3180 LOCAL external source should not offer delete option
- Translations
Version 8.0.0
8.0.0 2024-03-22
- ERM-3164 New proxy server setting form includes old data
- ERM-3163 On attempting to save an external data source if the save fails the toast message should reflect this
- ERM-3129 Remove explicit typescript version
- ERM-2981 Standardise use of external url validator library across ERM apps
- ERM-2793 Swap proxy server settings from card-based to MCL based form
- ERM-2792 Swap external datasources (LKB) from card-based to MCL based form
- BREAKING Switched to erm interface 7
Version 7.0.0
7.0.0 2023-10-13
- ERM-3051 Default filters and sort not applied in Local KB Admin
- ERM-3045 Swap Logs component to prev-next pagination
- ERM-3030 BREAKING bump
- ERM-3024 Local KB admin external data source Reset cursor / Reset sync status do not work
- ERM-3001 Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub Actions
- ERM-2973 Replace naive fetch hooks with parallelised ones (and deprecate)
- ERM-2976 Switch to useParallelBatchFetch
- ERM-2641 Upgrade to Grails 5 (including Hibernate 5.6.x) for Poppy
- Added okapi interface dependency on new erm interface 6.0
- ERM-2633 Add view only settings for Local KB Admin
- ERM-2056 Local KB Admin - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
- ERM-3049 On Next/Previous pagination the page of results doesn't go to top of page
- STRIPES-870 BREAKING upgrade react to v18
- ERM-2985 upgrade ui-local-kb-admin React to v18
Version 6.0.0
6.0.0 2023-02-22
- ERM-2637 ProxyServer Settings page breaks when cancel the first and only entry
- ERM-2618 Remove unneeded
- ERM-2590 Increment ui-local-kb-admin to Stripes v8
- ERM-2571 Remove BigTest/Nightmare dependencies and tests (ui-local-kb-admin)
- ERM-2570 New button/settings don't display for Proxy server settings
- ERM-2556 Increment ui-local-kb-admin to Stripes v8
- ERM-2467 Change export file name and file extension in Agreements and Local KB admin
- ERM-2461 Bump ui-local-kb-admin erm-components dep
- ERM-2392 Add erm.packages.collection.import to UI perm set
- FAT-83 ui-local-kb-admin: UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest
- ERM-2528 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2527 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2526 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2525 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2524 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2523 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2522 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2521 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2520 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2519 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2518 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2517 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-2516 Refactor local-kb-admin routes
- ERM-1519 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1518 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1515 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1514 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1513 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1303 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1242 Add test coverage for ui-local-kb-admin
Version 5.3.0
5.3.0 2022-10-27
- ERM-2323 stripes-erm-components should be a peer
- ERM-2277 Karma tests fail on Github Actions CI with Node v14 and v16 LTS
- ERM-2149 update outdated dependencies in ui-local-kb-admin
- ERM-1986 Move identifiers between title instances
- Bump to stripes-erm-components ^7.0.0
Version 5.2.0
5.2.0 2022-07-05
- ERM-2110 / ERM-2085 Refactor away from react-intl-safe-html
- ERM-2100 Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser
- ERM-1971 Bump eslint-config stripes version
Version 5.1.6
5.1.6 2022-06-07
- ERM-2188. Backport recent zh_TW translations
Version 5.1.5
5.1.5 2022-03-02
- ERM-1950 Reset syncStatus for remote KB
- ERM-1949 Reset cursor for remote KB
- ERM-1896 Upgrade
for compatibility with@folio/stripes
. - ERM-1888 Display syncStatus, cursor and lastChecked for local KB admin External data sources
- ERM-1799, ERM-1800 Added filters and translations for new Job types
- Identifier Reassignment Job
- Resource Rematch Job
- Naive MatchKey Assignment Job
- ERM-1760 Local KB admin: Apply keyboard shortcuts modal guidelines