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Copyright (C) 2023-2023 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.

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Business logic "join" module to provide simple access to all user-centric data.

The module combines interfaces normally provided by mod-users and mod-users-bl Folio modules. Thus its output are either User model from mod-users or Composite User from mod-users-bl.

The module also operates with Keycloak to manage authentication information of users (authUser). Auth users created and updated in Keycloak on per-realm basis.


See the built target/ModuleDescriptor.json for the interfaces that this module requires and provides, the permissions, and the additional module metadata.

API documentation

API documentation can be generated with the following command:

mvn clean generate-sources

After that the documentation will be available in target/docs/mod-users-keycloakindex.html

Environment Variables

Name Default value Required Description
DB_HOST localhost false Postgres hostname
DB_PORT 5432 false Postgres port
DB_USERNAME postgres false Postgres username
DB_PASSWORD postgres false Postgres username password
DB_DATABASE postgres false Postgres database name
KC_URL - true Keycloak URL used to perform HTTP requests by KeycloakClient.
KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID folio-backend-admin-client true Keycloak client id
KC_ADMIN_GRANT_TYPE client_credentials false Defines grant type for issuing Keycloak token
KC_PASSWORD_RESET_CLIENT_ID password-reset-client false Keycloak password reset client
KC_ADMIN_TOKEN_TTL 60s false ttl value for Keycloak token to persist in cache
KC_CONFIG_TTL 3600s false Client credentials expiration timeout
KC_LOGIN_CLIENT_SUFFIX -login-application false Suffix of a Keycloak client who owns the authorization resources. It is used as audience for keycloak when evaluating permissions.
MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE 20 false Batch size for user migration. Max value is 50
DEFAULT_PASSWORDS_ON_MIGRATION false false If specified to true migrated user’s password being set to their username otherwise migrated users not having any credentials set
INCLUDE_ONLY_VISIBLE_PERMISSIONS true false Defines if onlyVisible (UI permisisons/permission-set names) will be returned using _self endpoint

Kafka environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
KAFKA_HOST kafka false Kafka broker hostname
KAFKA_PORT 9092 false Kafka broker port
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT false Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT)
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION - false The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION - false The location of the Kafka trust store file.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled.
KAFKA_SYS_USER_TOPIC_RETRY_DELAY 1s false system-user topic retry delay if tenant is not initialized
KAFKA_SYS_USER_TOPIC_RETRY_ATTEMPTS 9223372036854775807 false system-user topic retry attempts if tenant is not initialized (default value is Long.MAX_VALUE ~= infinite amount of retries)
KAFKA_SYS_USER_TOPIC_PATTERN (${application.environment}\.)(.*\.)mgr-tenant-entitlements.system-user false Topic pattern for system-user topic filled by mgr-tenants-entitlement
KAFKA_SYS_USER_CAPABILITIES_RETRY_ATTEMPTS 60 false Number of retry attempts to load capabilities for (module) system user
KAFKA_SYS_USER_CAPABILITIES_RETRY_DELAY 5s false Duration between retry attempts (with time unit suffix) to load capabilities for (module) system user

System User Environment Variables

Name Default value Required Description
SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME_TEMPLATE {tenantId}-system-user false System user username template, used to generate system user username
SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL_TEMPLATE {tenantId}[email protected] false System user email template, used to generate system user email.
SYSTEM_USER_ROLE System false System user role name. It will be assigned on tenant initialization
SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH 32 false Batch size for user migration. Max value is 50
SYSTEM_USER_RETRY_COUNT 10 false Number of retry attempts to create a system user
SYSTEM_USER_RETRY_DELAY 250 false Amount of milliseconds between retry attempts

Secure storage environment variables



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_REGION - The AWS region to pass to the AWS SSM Client Builder. If not set, the AWS Default Region Provider Chain is used to determine which region to use.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_USE_IAM true If true, will rely on the current IAM role for authorization instead of explicitly providing AWS credentials (access_key/secret_key)
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT - The HTTP endpoint to use for retrieving AWS credentials. This is ignored if useIAM is true
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_PATH - The path component of the credentials endpoint URI. This value is appended to the credentials endpoint to form the URI from which credentials can be obtained.



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TOKEN - token for accessing vault, may be a root token
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ADDRESS - the address of your vault
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ENABLE_SSL false whether or not to use SSL
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_PEM_FILE_PATH - the path to an X.509 certificate in unencrypted PEM format, using UTF-8 encoding
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - the password used to access the JKS keystore (optional)
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS keystore file containing a client cert and private key
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS truststore file containing Vault server certs that can be trusted

Keycloak environment variables

Keycloak all configuration properties:

Name Description
KC_HOSTNAME Keycloak hostname, will be added to returned endpoints, for example for openid-configuration
KC_ADMIN Initial admin username
KC_ADMIN_PASSWORD Initial admin password
KC_DB Database type
KC_DB_URL_DATABASE Sets the database name of the default JDBC URL of the chosen vendor. If the DB_URL option is set, this option is ignored.
KC_DB_URL_HOST Sets the hostname of the default JDBC URL of the chosen vendor. If the DB_URL option is set, this option is ignored.
KC_DB_URL_PORT Sets the port of the default JDBC URL of the chosen vendor. If the DB_URL option is set, this option is ignored.
KC_DB_USERNAME Database Username
KC_DB_PASSWORD Database Password
KC_PROXY The proxy address forwarding mode if the server is behind a reverse proxy. Possible values are: edge, reencrypt, passthrough.
KC_HOSTNAME_STRICT Disables dynamically resolving the hostname from request headers. Should always be set to true in production, unless proxy verifies the Host header.
KC_HOSTNAME_PORT The port used by the proxy when exposing the hostname. Set this option if the proxy uses a port other than the default HTTP and HTTPS ports. Defaults to -1.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED Enables TLS for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH Truststore file path for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD Truststore password for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE Truststore file type for keycloak clients.

mod-configuration properties

Configuration properties must be created for a module: USERSBL

Request example:

POST /configurations/entries HTTP/1.1
Host: <gateway>
x-okapi-tenant: <tenant_name>
x-okapi-token: <auth-token>

  "module": "USERSBL",
  "configName": "validation_rules",
  "code": "FOLIO_HOST",
  "description": "Host value for password reset",
  "default": true,
  "enabled": true,
  "value": "https://ui-host:3000"

NOTE: Fields code and value are mandatory, if any of them are not specified - default value will be used.

Name Default value Description
FOLIO_HOST http://localhost:3000 Folio host used to generate password reset link
RESET_PASSWORD_UI_PATH /reset-password UI path, added to the folio host, took value firstly from mod-configuration, then from application property reset-password.ui-path.default
RESET_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRATION_TIME 24 A duration value when the reset password token will be expired
RESET_PASSWORD_LINK_EXPIRATION_UNIT_OF_TIME hours A duration unit when the reset password token will be expired
PUT_RESET_TOKEN_IN_QUERY_PARAMS false Defines if reset token will be included in the path (if value is not set or set as false) or as a query parameter (if value is set to a true)

Loading of client IDs/secrets

The module pulls client_secret for client_id from AWS Parameter store, Vault or other reliable secret storages when they are required for login. The credentials are cached for 3600s.