This install process installs Open Police Complaints with Docker, Laravel, SurvLoop, Laradock, Nginx, MYSQL, and Phpmyadmin.
Couldn't get my original attempt working with a Docker Compose configuration. Perhaps someone can help me, now that this install process is at least easier. Thanks!
You will need:
First, install Docker on Mac, Windows, or an online server. Then grab a copy of Laravel (last tested with v5.8.3)...
$ git clone opc $ cd opc
Next, install and boot up Laradock (last tested with v7.14).
$ git submodule add $ cd laradock $ cp env-example .env $ docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin redis workspace
After Docker finishes booting up your containers, enter the mysql container with the root password, "root". This seems to fix things for the latest version of MYSQL.
$ docker-compose exec mysql bash # mysql --user=root --password=root default mysql> ALTER USER 'default'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'secret'; mysql> exit; $ exit
At this point, you should be able to browse to http://localhost:8080 for PhpMyAdmin.
Server: mysql Username: default Password: secret
Finally, enter Laradock's workspace container to download and run the Open Police installation script.
$ docker-compose exec workspace bash # git clone # chmod +x ./docker-openpolice/bin/*.sh # ./docker-openpolice/bin/ # docker-compose exec workspace composer require flexyourrights/openpolice-website
And if all has gone well, you'll be asked to create a master admin user account when you browse to http://localhost/.