An NPM utility to upload development plugins to a local FlexDeploy application.
- The java jar command must be available and on the path
- NPM must be installed
npm install -g flexdevplugin
Utility should always be run from the plugin deploy directory where you want to watch or bundle changes. The first time running the utility from a plugin deploy directory you should ensure that both the lib.jar and plugin jar are deployed. This is only needed to create the initial plugin temp directory.
fdplg <command> [options]
A utility to build FlexDeploy development plugins
fdplg watch Watches a plugin deploy directory for changes and uploads to
local server.
fdplg bundle Bundles a development plugin.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
fdplg watch
Watches a plugin deploy directory for changes and uploads to local server.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --upload-dir The auto uploads directory for your local FlexDeploy Server.
Also reads from FDPLG_UPLOAD_DIR env variable.
-u, --upload Whether the command should auto upload to the upload
directory. Used in conjunction with --upload-dir.
-p, --prefix The prefix to apply to the plugin version. Defaults to
FDPLG_ [default: "FDPLG_"]
-i, --init-bundle Initialize the watch by bundling and then watching. Use
this if there is already a change you want to bundle.
fdplg bundle
Bundles a development plugin.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --upload-dir The auto uploads directory for your local FlexDeploy Server.
Also reads from FDPLG_UPLOAD_DIR env variable.
-u, --upload Whether the command should auto upload to the upload
directory. Used in conjunction with --upload-dir.
-p, --prefix The prefix to apply to the plugin version. Defaults to
FDPLG_ [default: "FDPLG_"]
Watch directory for plugin changes and upload bundled plugin to C:\TEMP\FD\Plugins
fdplg watch --upload --upload-dir=C:\TEMP\flexdeploy\application\plugins
Watch directory for plugin changes and upload bundled plugin to FDPLG_UPLOAD_DIR environment variable
set FDPLG_UPLOAD_DIR=C:\TEMP\flexdeploy\application\plugins
fdplg watch --upload
Bundle plugin with a different version prefix
fdplg bundle --prefix CUSTOM_
- Windows