Passport strategies for authenticating with Okta using OAuth 2.0.
passport.use(new OktaStrategy({
audience: process.env.OKTA_AUDIENCE,
// audience is the Okta Domain,
// e.g.,
clientID: process.env.OKTA_CLIENTID,
// clientID is the public Okta Application Client Credentials,
// its a 20 character alphanumeric string
// e.g. U7VYvsaiuqlDOHjIVTIA (generated example)
clientSecret: process.env.OKTA_CLIENTSECRET,
// clientSecret is the private Okta Application Client Credentials,
// its a 40 character alphanumeric string with a hypen(s).
// e.g. Vwb-R4fQnSH7uJkokDhPI-WR4qEiuWFokYANM5C (generated example)
idp: process.env.OKTA_IDP,
// idp is the Identity Provider (id). This is an optional field
// its a 20 character alphanumeric string
// e.g. qOp8aaJmCEhvep5Il6ZJ (generated example)
scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
response_type: 'code',
callbackURL: baseURL + "/auth/okta/callback"
// callbackURL is the redirect URL Okta should return the user to
// This is a URL on your server
}, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
// Example Callback to Handle the Profile Object
return profile
profile = {
provider: 'okta-social',
name: {
fullName: 'John Smith',
familyName: 'Smith',
givenName: 'John'
emails: [{value: '[email protected]'}],
_raw: "\{...\}"
_json: {...}