Example CloudFormation Nested Stack Architecture for Elastic Kubernetes Service
S3 Bucket for Storage of Nested Stacks
- place the following template files into an S3 Bucket you have access to:
- vpc.yaml
- ekscluster.yaml
- workernodeinstanceprofile.yaml
- workernodesecuritygroup.yaml
- nodegroup1.yaml
- nodegroup2.yaml
- create a new CloudFormation Stack using parent.yaml
- you must create the parent stack using the IAM Credentials you want to access the APIServer Endpoint with!
- set parameters as desired
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ExampleEKS --parameters file://./parentparameters.json --template-body file://./parent.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- At the end of this process you will have a running EKS Cluster and you can apply the configmap to authorize the Worker Node IAM Role