How To Build and Run.
Clone project from
Run maven command:
mvn clean compile test spring-boot:run
- Make your post requests to endpoint: http://localhost:8080/customer/customer1/contact/upload
curl -F "file=@csvfiles/customer1.csv" http://localhost:8080/customer/customer1/contact/upload
curl -F "file=@csvfiles/customer2.csv" http://localhost:8080/customer/customer2/contact/upload
Leo:uploader val$ curl -v -F "file=@csvfiles/customer2.csv" http://localhost:8080/customer/customer2/contact/upload
* Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> POST /customer/customer2/contact/upload HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 236
> Expect: 100-continue
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------085e951994279335
< HTTP/1.1 100
< HTTP/1.1 200
< Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2018 23:14:10 GMT
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"message":"your csv file uploaded"}
- Check content of sqlite database file: uploader.sqlite3
Beside text of task, my assigner mentioned that this is a few-hours task. (hours! neither days, nor weeks). It’s very serious restrictions, which leads to assumption to extremely simplify code and follow YAGNI principle (you ain’t gonna need it)
I make assumption that customer data is private, that’s why I added field “owner” to distinguish customer data.
Because each customer could provide quite unique configuration, there is no evidence how to maintain possible duplication, even with UUIDs. We have no evidence what the big final product is. We make assumption that we need assist upload data into an sql database and that’s all.
Customer will have their tools, either manual, or automated, to maintain, and clean up that data.
Thus there is not check if UUID unique, or email is valid, or zip is contains five digits. I consider everything as draft records.
Thus even customer upload same file again, we just add same items under his field “customer”, however in the ID field a UUID generate. So the table may contain to UUID columns, id generated by rest app and customer UUID, maybe empty, maybe malformed, maybe not unique.
For columns we will stored in database a lowercased and with underscores for spaces. Thus “Zip Code” should be “zip_code”, not a “zipCode”, “zip_code, “zip code”. For java objects we will use camelCase
Joined Date is just a day, we won’t start particular time during date.
CSV file is uploaded during one SQL transactions, all or nothing.
Customer's CSVConfig
Each customer has own config file in the csvconfigdir directory, the csvconfigdir option in the
Files are YAML files in general.
CSV config files must be names as <client name>.csvconfig.yml
Note, dual part extension, it allows to make filename quite unique to apart from other files, maybe, other yams files in directory. On the other hand extension “.yaml” allows to use editors familiar with YAML
Customer name is rather login and must have alpha-numeric characters and underscore
All parse instructions come from the correspond YAML file.
Because CSV is not strong standard. In “csv_format” it’s possible to specify one of sub-formats
Boolean option “has_header” specifies if CSV file has header line to be skipped. Current uploader implementation does not use CSV header line as information source.
In section fields you may configure upto 8 fields: first_name, last_name, middle_initial, joined_date, street_address, email, zip_code, uuid.
For each field you may specify number of source CSV column.
To ignore one of possible database field user may either not mention such field or use position 0
For optional field join_date there one more special sub-option language_tag, which allow to set locale for parsed date strings.
Sub-option required not implemented for time reason.
REST app
Because this microservice most probably part of bigger project, and it uploads a customer’s resource, it affects to form of the path:
POST /customer/{customer}/contact/upload
Thus it’s a customer resource /customer/{customer}/
What’s resource? Contact
And finally upload
If we would extend this, for example we can build a request like
GET /customer/{customer} get customer itself
GET /customer/{customer}/contact -- all customer’s contact
GET /customer/{customer}/contact/{id} -- get specific customer’s contact
DELETE /customer/{customer}/contact -- delete specific customer’s contact
POST /customer/{customerN}/contact/upload.
Payload is multi-part with field “file” containing the CSV.
For path customer variable you should have correspond file customerN.csvconfig.yaml in the csvconfigdir.
Examples of CSVConfigs:
csv_format: Default
has_header: yes
required: yes
position: 1
required: yes
position: 2
language_tag: en
csv_format: Excel
has_header: no
required: yes
position: 2
required: yes
position: 1