In the JuliaBox I set up Sync to GitHub Repositories:
- Git Clone URL:
- Branch: master
- JuliaBox Folder: training_julia_201806
Dear Felix,
Thank you for registering for the "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" course. We have sent you the Webex login details, I hope you have received it, if not please do let me know.
To access the training materials, please follow the below mentioned steps-
Login to You can login using either your GitHub, Linkedin or Google account
Once you login, agree to terms and conditions Click on "Training" Click on "ICCML" - You will be able to access the training materials. You need not install any development environment on your computers. JuliaBox lets you run Julia in Jupyter notebooks right in the browser.
The notebook in JuliaBox might get updated before the training session.
In case you have any queries tomorrow, please reach out to -
Ranjan - [email protected] Sanjeeb - [email protected]
Both of us will be available on google hangout as well.
Sanjeeb Das Gupta, Julia Computing, Inc.
From: Sanjeeb Das Gupta [email protected] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:37 AM To: Flory, Felix Subject: AI/ML Training: Final Instructions and Troubleshooting Notes
CAUTION: External email. Please do not click on links/attachments unless you recognize the sender.
Dear Felix, We are excited that you are joining us for the �Introduction to AI/ML� training session! We hope you were able to log in using our special link.
We just have some last instructions to get you set up:
- Once you login, click on the �Packages� tab at the top-left of your package. This should open up a window called �Package Builder�
- Click on the �Yours� tab.
- In the "Unregistered Packages" box, paste:, and click �+"
- In the �Julia version� section, make sure v0.6.2 is selected.
- Click �Start�.
- A prompt may open up saying it may take a while. Click �OK�
Wait for this process to complete. It shouldn�t take more than 5 minutes. If you have any trouble with this process, please email - Ranjan ([email protected]). Here are a couple of troubleshooting tips just in case you face any issues. Troubleshooting notes: - If at any point you do not see the same material that the instructor is presenting, try renaming your training folder, logging out and logging in again through the special link. You should see a new folder with the updated material.
- Whenever you open a new notebook, it is recommended you shut down the old notebook (Notice the yellow shutdown button pop up at the top when you select a notebook). Every participant is provided limited memory and compute, so shutting down old notebooks frees up some resources.
- If you ever get a �Dead kernel� issue whenever you open a notebook (and it occurs repeatedly), click on the packages tab at the top left of your Juliabox window. You should see a yellow button called �Reset�. Click on it and wait for it to reset your Julia packages. You might also have add to Metalhead again (refer to instructions above.) Good luck, and hope you enjoy the training! If you ever face any technical difficulties, please send a private message to Ranjan/Abhijith on the webex chat.
Sanjeeb Das Gupta, Julia Computing, Inc.
Thank you for attending the course on "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence". Please find below the links to-
- Course recording - Day 1 & Day 2
- Training material & Solutions
- Presentation used by Prof. Alan Edelman
- Play Ground
- Discourse forum
- Slack channel
Please let me know if you need any other details or information, I would be glad to help you with it.
Sanjeeb Das Gupta, Julia Computing, Inc.