There exists an extension to dcat-ap-no with URI
which has defined the property accessRequesteeType
. This property points to a code list which has predefined certain types of actors.
There exists a code list containing i.e. the code RegisteredOrganization
The JSON-LD playground at can be used to test the JSON-LD data and the frames.
The JSON-LD is fetched from
curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json" > beregnet_utslipp_entur.jsonld
The fetched data can be seen in the file beregnet_utslipp_entur.jsonld
(NOTE: I have removed several fields which are currently not relevant for this PoC).
If we run JSON-LD framing with the frame defined in frame.jsonld
the result will be the jsonld file seen in output.jsonld
A shortened version containing the relevant fields can be seen in abridged_output.jsonld
, which looks like:
"@context": {
# ...
"@id": "",
"@type": "dcat:Dataset",
"accessRequesteeType": "RegisteredOrganization",
"accessRights": "PUBLIC",
"language": {
"languageCode": "ENG"
"publisher": "917422575"