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Include protos in repository (#151)
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Signed-off-by: khorshuheng <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: khorshuheng <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
khorshuheng and khorshuheng authored Jun 9, 2022
1 parent 0e0bdee commit 141a312
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,163 additions and 5 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions protos/feast/core/CoreService.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Feast Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";
package feast.core;

option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "CoreServiceProto";
option java_package = "feast.proto.core";

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "tensorflow_metadata/proto/v0/statistics.proto";
import "feast/core/Entity.proto";
import "feast/core/Feature.proto";
import "feast/core/FeatureTable.proto";
import "feast/core/Store.proto";

service CoreService {
// Retrieve version information about this Feast deployment
rpc GetFeastCoreVersion (GetFeastCoreVersionRequest) returns (GetFeastCoreVersionResponse);

// Returns a specific entity
rpc GetEntity (GetEntityRequest) returns (GetEntityResponse);

// Returns all feature references and respective features matching that filter. If none are found
// an empty map will be returned
// If no filter is provided in the request, the response will contain all the features
// currently stored in the default project.
rpc ListFeatures (ListFeaturesRequest) returns (ListFeaturesResponse);

// Retrieve store details given a filter.
// Returns all stores matching that filter. If none are found, an empty list will be returned.
// If no filter is provided in the request, the response will contain all the stores currently
// stored in the registry.
rpc ListStores (ListStoresRequest) returns (ListStoresResponse);

// Create or update and existing entity.
// This function is idempotent - it will not create a new entity if schema does not change.
// Schema changes will update the entity if the changes are valid.
// Following changes are not valid:
// - Changes to name
// - Changes to type
rpc ApplyEntity (ApplyEntityRequest) returns (ApplyEntityResponse);

// Returns all entity references and respective entities matching that filter. If none are found
// an empty map will be returned
// If no filter is provided in the request, the response will contain all the entities
// currently stored in the default project.
rpc ListEntities (ListEntitiesRequest) returns (ListEntitiesResponse);

// Updates core with the configuration of the store.
// If the changes are valid, core will return the given store configuration in response, and
// start or update the necessary feature population jobs for the updated store.
rpc UpdateStore (UpdateStoreRequest) returns (UpdateStoreResponse);

// Creates a project. Projects serve as namespaces within which resources like features will be
// created. Feature table names as must be unique within a project while field (Feature/Entity) names
// must be unique within a Feature Table. Project names themselves must be globally unique.
rpc CreateProject (CreateProjectRequest) returns (CreateProjectResponse);

// Archives a project. Archived projects will continue to exist and function, but won't be visible
// through the Core API. Any existing ingestion or serving requests will continue to function,
// but will result in warning messages being logged. It is not possible to unarchive a project
// through the Core API
rpc ArchiveProject (ArchiveProjectRequest) returns (ArchiveProjectResponse);

// Lists all projects active projects.
rpc ListProjects (ListProjectsRequest) returns (ListProjectsResponse);

/* Feature Tables */
// Create or update an existing feature table.
// This function is idempotent - it will not create a new feature table if the schema does not change.
// Schema changes will update the feature table if the changes are valid.
// All changes except the following are valid:
// - Changes to feature table name.
// - Changes to entities
// - Changes to feature name and type
rpc ApplyFeatureTable (ApplyFeatureTableRequest) returns (ApplyFeatureTableResponse);

// List feature tables that match a given filter.
// Returns the references of the Feature Tables matching that filter. If none are found,
// an empty list will be returned.
// If no filter is provided in the request, the response will match all the feature
// tables currently stored in the registry.
rpc ListFeatureTables (ListFeatureTablesRequest) returns (ListFeatureTablesResponse);

// Returns a specific feature table
rpc GetFeatureTable (GetFeatureTableRequest) returns (GetFeatureTableResponse);

// Delete a specific feature table
rpc DeleteFeatureTable (DeleteFeatureTableRequest) returns (DeleteFeatureTableResponse);


// Request for a single entity
message GetEntityRequest {
// Name of entity (required).
string name = 1;

// Name of project the entity belongs to. If omitted will default to 'default' project.
string project = 2;

// Response containing a single entity
message GetEntityResponse {
feast.core.Entity entity = 1;

// Retrieves details for all versions of a specific entity
message ListEntitiesRequest {
Filter filter = 1;

message Filter {
// Optional. Specifies the name of the project to list Entities in.
// It is NOT possible to provide an asterisk with a string in order to do pattern matching.
// If unspecified, this field will default to the default project 'default'.
string project = 3;

// Optional. User defined metadata for entity.
// Entities with all matching labels will be returned.
map<string,string> labels = 4;

message ListEntitiesResponse {
repeated feast.core.Entity entities = 1;

message ListFeaturesRequest {
message Filter {
// User defined metadata for feature.
// Features with all matching labels will be returned.
map<string,string> labels = 1;

// List of entities contained within the featureSet that the feature belongs to.
// Only feature tables with these entities will be searched for features.
repeated string entities = 2;

// Name of project that the feature tables belongs to. Filtering on projects is disabled.
// It is NOT possible to provide an asterisk with a string in order to do pattern matching.
// If unspecified this field will default to the default project 'default'.
string project = 3;

Filter filter = 1;

message ListFeaturesResponse {
reserved 1;

map<string, feast.core.FeatureSpecV2> features = 2;

message ListStoresRequest {
message Filter {
// Name of desired store. Regex is not supported in this query.
string name = 1;

Filter filter = 1;

message ListStoresResponse {
repeated feast.core.Store store = 1;

message ApplyEntityRequest {
// If project is unspecified, will default to 'default' project.
// If project specified does not exist, the project would be automatically created.
feast.core.EntitySpecV2 spec = 1;

// Name of project that this entity belongs to.
string project = 2;

message ApplyEntityResponse {
feast.core.Entity entity = 1;

message GetFeastCoreVersionRequest {

message GetFeastCoreVersionResponse {
string version = 1;

message UpdateStoreRequest {
feast.core.Store store = 1;

message UpdateStoreResponse {
enum Status {
// Existing store config matching the given store id is identical to the given store config.

// New store created or existing config updated.
feast.core.Store store = 1;
Status status = 2;

// Request to create a project
message CreateProjectRequest {
// Name of project (required)
string name = 1;

// Response for creation of a project
message CreateProjectResponse {

// Request for the archival of a project
message ArchiveProjectRequest {
// Name of project to be archived
string name = 1;

// Response for archival of a project
message ArchiveProjectResponse {

// Request for listing of projects
message ListProjectsRequest {

// Response for listing of projects
message ListProjectsResponse {
// List of project names (archived projects are filtered out)
repeated string projects = 1;

message UpdateFeatureSetStatusResponse {}

message ApplyFeatureTableRequest {
// Optional. Name of the Project to apply the Feature Table to.
// If unspecified, will apply FeatureTable to the default project.
string project = 1;
// Feature Table specification to apply
FeatureTableSpec table_spec = 2;

message ApplyFeatureTableResponse {
FeatureTable table = 1;

message GetFeatureTableRequest {
// Optional. Name of the Project to retrieve the Feature Table from.
// If unspecified, will apply FeatureTable to the default project.
string project = 1;

// Name of the FeatureTable to retrieve.
string name = 2;

message GetFeatureTableResponse {
// The Feature Table retrieved.
FeatureTable table = 1;

message ListFeatureTablesRequest {
message Filter {
// Optional. Specifies the name of the project to list Feature Tables in.
// If unspecified would list Feature Tables in the default project.
string project = 1;

// Optional. Feature Tables with all matching labels will be returned.
// If unspecified would list Feature Tables without filtering by labels.
map<string,string> labels = 3;

// Filter used when listing Feature Tables
Filter filter = 1;

message ListFeatureTablesResponse {
// List of matching Feature Tables
repeated FeatureTable tables = 1;

message DeleteFeatureTableRequest {
// Optional. Name of the Project to delete the Feature Table from.
// If unspecified, will delete FeatureTable from the default project.
string project = 1;

// Name of the FeatureTable to delete.
string name = 2;

message DeleteFeatureTableResponse {}
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions protos/feast/core/DataFormat.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// Copyright 2020 The Feast Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";
package feast.core;

option go_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "DataFormatProto";
option java_package = "feast.proto.core";

// Defines the file format encoding the features/entity data in files
message FileFormat {
// Defines options for the Parquet data format
message ParquetFormat {}

oneof format {
ParquetFormat parquet_format = 1;

// Defines the data format encoding features/entity data in data streams
message StreamFormat {
// Defines options for the protobuf data format
message ProtoFormat {
// Classpath to the generated Java Protobuf class that can be used to decode
// Feature data from the obtained stream message
string class_path = 1;

// Defines options for the avro data format
message AvroFormat {
// Optional if used in a File DataSource as schema is embedded in avro file.
// Specifies the schema of the Avro message as JSON string.
string schema_json = 1;

// Specifies the data format and format specific options
oneof format {
AvroFormat avro_format = 1;
ProtoFormat proto_format = 2;

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