hsl-bundle provide you some nice feature that can help you to speed up your development:
- maker command for DTOs (DTOs are use for POST and PUT request)
- maker command for Transformers (customize your result)
- maker command for API CRUD Controller (boilerplate code for your need)
- pagination (it is integrated during the controller creation)
- PHP 7.2 or above
- Symfony 4.4 / 5 (symfony new --full)
Protips: Refer to suggest section in composer.json
to see more useful tools.
composer require "fd6130/hsl-bundle"
Create config/fd_hsl.yaml
and paste the following content:
default_limit: 30
Append --help at the end of the command for more options. For example php bin/console make:hsl:dto --help
php bin/console make:hsl:dto
php bin/console make:hsl:transformer
API CRUD Controller (make sure you have Entity, DTO and Transformer)
php bin/console make:hsl:crud