What's New
- New and improved icons by @ikanakova in #1218 #1272 #973
- New icons download cover & alternate version of album by @ikanakova in #1265
- Implemented progress bar in both player by @JZITNIK-github in #1171 #1158
- Make RiMusic website multilingual and optimize loading by @JZITNIK-github in #1211 #1213
- Implemented folders in On Device page, folder enqueuing, folder searching by @JZITNIK-github in #1278 #1254 #1277 #1255 #1263 #1267
- Implemented showing default image when song art image isn't available #1220
- Implemented show next 2 queued songs ans hide/show song remaining time enable7disable by settings #1154 #1239
- Implemented font size in lyrics #1191
- Implemented filter for on device songs in home songs #1262
- Implemented equalizer action button in player #1269
- Implemented new layout for albums and alternative versions #1249
- Implemented new cache image size 64/32MB #1185
- Implemented now playing song in Album #1169
What's Changed
- Fixed time in songs if is more than 1 hour by @JZITNIK-github in #1171
- Fixed like action in background player #1234 #1145
- Fixed playlist type in sidebar #1261
- Fixed showing downloaded playlist in Library #1180
- Fixed showing preferites and downloaded playlist in Library #1261
- Fixed theme mode Pitch Black #1181
- Fixed crash in preferites playlist in Library #1164
- Improved minimied player dismission #1116 #1232
- Improved select/uncheck songs in all playlist #1230 #1223
- General improvements #1238 #1240 #1239 #1218 #1182 #1177 #1176 #1162 #1174 #1167 #1152
- New Crowdin updates #1165 #1170 #1173 #1190 #1195 #1197 #1203 #1205 #1206 #1207 #1208 #1210 #1212 #1216 #1217 #1219 #1222 #1224 #1225 #1228 #1231 #1235 #1236 #1244 #1247 #1250 #1252 #1256 #1257 #1264 #1266 #1268 #1270 #1279 #1282 #1283
Thanks to all
Full Changelog: v0.6.27...V0.6.28