Simple Messaging API Server and Client
SimpleMessagingAPI uses a number of open source projects to work properly :
- [Java Version 8]
- [Spring Boot Starter 2]
- [Twilio]
- [Javascript]
- [HTML5]
- [jQuery]
For complete uses check out the pom.xml
Before start make sure you have installed Java Version 8 (Java 1.8) in your PC. Clone this repository, Install the dependencies and run from your PC with IDE like :
- [Intellij] Recomended
- [Visual Studio Code]
- [Eclipse]
If you use IDE to run the app you have to make a change in the code because Twilio Credentials cannot be publish in public (you can email me if you want to try), or you can use the artifact (jar files) and running in the terminal (better ways to do it with this)
$ cd inside-directory
example :
$ cd Desktop/SimpleMessagingAPI
check the file inside must contains :
- lib folder
- app.jar files
- logback-spring.xml files
if the file is complete then do
$ java -cp lib/*:app.jar
if everything goes clean and soft open your browser (Recommeded with Chrome / Firefox) and typing this address
if you want to make a REST request from curl or from postman make sure use method POST and Content-type app/json, the request json will look like this.
"action" : "SMS",
"subAction : "sendSMS",
"message" : "text message you want to send"
- History SMS REST
"action" : "SMS",
"subAction : "getHistorySMS",
"limit" : number
if theres an error or something you wanna ask feel free to catching up with me at [email protected]